PSO – Paper Switch Off Project NHS e-Referrals Presented by Carole Beardsmore Implementation & Business Change Manager
Standard Contract – Service Conditions New Clause – Service Condition 6.2A With effect from 1 October 2018, and as provided for in NHS e-Referral Guidance and/or any subsequent guidance published by NHS England and/or NHS Digital, the Provider need not accept (and will not be paid for any first outpatient attendance resulting from) Referrals by GPs to Consultant-led acute outpatient Services made other than through the NHS e-Referral Service.
Why Understanding e-RS Utilisation is Important - NHS England Levers and Incentives Relates to GP referrals to consultant-led 1st outpatient services including 2WW services All providers to publish ALL such services and make ALL of their First Outpatient Appointment slots available on NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) by 31 March 2018 Undertake required work on their Directory of Services to publish ALL services on the NHS e-Referral Service
When is a Referral Counted as Being Made Through e-RS? A referral must be booked using e-RS into one of the following: An e-RS service where the Appointment Type = First Outpatient An e-RS service where the Specialty = 2WW Only the first instance of any such booking is counted
Walsall Plan April 2018 - All slots available on eRS for first appointments to consultant led clinics May - June 2018 – Monitoring Period July 2018 – ‘Paper’ referrals for first appointments to consultant led clinics returned to the GP
2017/18 Advice & Guidance NHS e-Referrals Presented by Carole Beardsmore Implementation Manager
Advice and Guidance – Guidance A&G refers to structured, non-urgent, electronic A&G provided via telephone, email, or an online system. CCGs may agree with trusts how the local programme of A&G will operate, and the definition of an A&G response may include: Virtual review of test results (e.g. ECG, bloods) and advice on next steps required Supply of a suggested treatment or management plan to the GP (which may include carrying out further investigations in primary care) Direct booking of diagnostic test (e.g. endoscopy) Direct booking of intervention, where indicated Advice on the appropriate clinic referral (reducing redirected appointments) Clinical responsibility will remain with the GP accessing the A&G service, unless or until the patient is seen face to face in secondary care.
Walsall Plan March 2018 - First Tranche of Specialties Live on eRS October 2018 – Remaining Specialties Live on eRS NOTE: Subject to Contract Negotiations between CCG and Walsall Healthcare GENERAL SURGERY GASTROENTEROLOGY UROLOGY DIABETIC MEDICINE ENDOCRINOLOGY General Medicine TRAUMA AND ORTHOPAEDICS GYNAECOLOGY DERMATOLOGY PODIATRY INTERMEDIATE CARE
Contact Details Carole Beardsmore, Implementation & Business Change Manager NHS Digital 07770702397