Welcome to Year 6 National Curriculum Expectations Evening


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 6 National Curriculum Expectations Evening Wednesday 1st November 2017

Items to be covered: Year Six Curriculum Expectations End of Key Stage 2 Assessments Expected Standards Accelerated Learning Sessions How you can help…

Y6 Curriculum Continues to be ‘broad & balanced’ at Hollinhey All subjects are assessed and pupil progress tracked Broad ‘themes’ encompass Science, History, Geography, DT, Art French, Computing, RE & Music more standalone 2 PE sessions a week However, an increasing focus on English & Maths through the year

Y6 English Reading, Writing, Grammar & punctuation linked to a key book e.g. Letters from the Lighthouse, Harry Potter & the Philosophers Stone, Survival with some shorter books or poetry, film or song studies in between (4 lessons a week) Spelling- specific scheme of work supplemented by common mis-spelt words and includes handwriting practice (2 sessions a week) Guided Reading- (3 sessions a week plus) Whole class comprehension linked to an extract Grouped reading linked to a specific book at the level of enjoyment for the group Class reader- a standalone book linked to ‘theme’





Maths Scheme of work which covers the whole year (including after Tests) Focuses on Fluency, Reasoning & Problem Solving Builds on work done in Year 5 Number & computation heavy Less geometry, measures, statistics than in previous years Big Maths Beat That! Weekly recall tests Key Skills Challenges Two week cycle of collaborative and individual practice of the curriculum as a whole Time Tables Rockstars Home & school multiplication & division recall challenges

Fluency, Reasoning, Problem Solving= Mastery!

BMBT- That & This

Key Skills Challenge

TT Rockstars

End of KS2 Assessment Details Subject Test Teacher Assessment Reading Raw score Scaled score Expected standard or not Grammar, spelling and punctuation N/A (Part of writing) Writing Towards Expected Greater Depth Maths Science Expected Standard or not

What does the ‘Expected Standard’ in the Tests mean for our Year 6 pupils? The standards in the Curriculum have been significant raised and the ‘Expected Standard’ is much higher than prior to 2016 Tests are marked and then converted to a Scale Score between 70 & 120 To achieve the Expected Standard, pupils will need to score 100 or above in the Scaled Score. This equates to approximately 50% although this does differ according to the test. To achieve a ‘Higher Standard’ pupils must achieve a Scaled Score of 110 or above. This equates to about 75%. These results will be reported to parents as part of the Annual Report in July Test results in Reading & Maths will be available to Secondary Schools

Expected Standard in Teacher Assessment (Reading, Writing, Maths & Science) Different to Levels where it was a ‘best fit’ Now need to meet all objectives Teacher continual assessment Use of school tracking linked to objectives Range of genres from work in English, RE, Topic and Science lessons Possibility of formal External moderation by Local Authority in Writing

Writing Towards the Expected Standard

Towards Expected Standard

Towards Expected Standard

Towards Expected Standard

Writing At the Expected Standard

Expected Standard

Expected Standard

Working at Greater Gepth within the Expected Standard

Greater Depth within Expected Standard

Greater Depth within Expected Standard

Remember all objectives must be met & evidenced Pupils need to provide evidence that all objectives have been met over a range of writing This means that even if the writing has all the expected content, but basic punctuation, spelling and handwriting is not being used then they can not meet that Expected Standard.

Grammar and punctuation they will be expected to know and use in their writing: Active/passive voice Apostrophes: possession, contraction Articles Brackets Capital letters Clauses: subordinate and main Colons Commands, statements, exclamations and questions Commas Conjunctions: sub-ordinating, co-ordinating Connectives Contractions Dash Determiners Direct speech Hyphens I or me? Modal verbs Parts of a sentence: noun, verb, adverb, adjectives, connective Past progressive Prepositions Present perfect Pronouns: singular, possessive.. Relative clauses Semi-colons Subjunctive form Synonym/antonym Tenses  

Year 5/6 Spelling words

Accelerated Learning Sessions Weds & Thursday 1.15-2.15pm Maths- Numeracy Ninja, Pre & Post learning Reading- Read Theory, Pre & Post learning Writing- Structured ‘Slow Writing’ Mrs Clough will be running sessions after Christmas too Possibility of After-school Sessions after February Half-term

Homework Weekly Spellings Weekly Times Tables Learning & TT Rockstars Weekly Maths Practice Questions Weekly English activity (based upon Grammar & Punctuation focus for that week) Fortnightly Key Skills Challenge Practice Fortnightly Reading Comprehension Practice (alternating) Weekend Reading from Home Reader

Key Points Y6 Expected Standard is difficult The pupils need to work hard Time missed can impact significantly It is not all about the tests in Year Six at Hollinhey Focus and pace are key Pupils put themselves under pressure, we must make sure the pressure doesn’t come from teachers & parents However, there are ways to help!

Ways to help Be positive Support with homework Don’t force them to do extra unless they want too Keep a watchful eye on the basics, even in non- school work Don’t let bad habits form Experience life & learning practically and in fun ways Show an interest but not necessarily an option!

Additional resources Squeebles Apps The Spelling Shed App Books to read! CGP revision & work books https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/Parent/books_ks2 BBC Bitesize http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/ Squeebles Apps http://keystagefun.co.uk/ The Spelling Shed App https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/spelling-shed/id1264568098?mt=8

Any Questions?