Strategic overview/Policy Plan 2016-2019 Plan was approved last year Provides for: Organisation Sponsor/Funding; ICT; Anti-Doping; Manangement & Administration Promotion Olympics; Schools & Youth Development; Image & presentation; Media, PR & Publications Members Expansion; Assistance
…..strat #2 TWIF Calender – WC (outdoor) annually & WC (indoor) bi-annually Considered separate youth event – not feasible now/Continue as part of WC’s Number of weight classes MUST reduce Odd year (2021?): U23 M&W/U18 M&W + Mix?; 580 (vs 560 & 600?)/640M; 520/560W; Mix – 600 Even year (2022?): U23 M&W/U18 M&W + Mix; 700 (vs 680& 720?)/640M; Women – 500/540; Mix – 560 Indoor weights as is Regional (European, Asian, Africa) – as agreed and organised between countries + international club events, Ie. not TWIF events per se, but supported/encouraged
…..strat #3 Format: Olympic ambition: Day 1 = Round robin (no groups) Day 2 = Finals (in groups of 4: 1-4 - Cup; 5-8 - Plate; 9-12 - shield; etc?) Olympic ambition: Media; spectators; timing; action 600 Mix as flagship, 600M & 500W as additional events, Some outdoor as in WG?; Top 6 qualifiers (teams of 8) Experiment with 5x5 or 6x6 M/W and 6x6 Mix as development/exposure platforms/”marketing” Prepare motivations for 2024/2028 Olympics and 2022/2026 Commonwealth Games
…..strat #4 Increase number at TWIF events (Questionaire) Weigh-in: CANNOT continue as is, especially indoor given intended consequences/health risks Don’t want to go back to daily weigh-in either Data gathering at EOC’17 & WIC’18 to ensure informed decisions can be taken Sport science study re “P”-test, non-invasive method to determine hydration status prior to weighing Firm proposal to be developed at Congress 2018
…..strat #5 Increase number of female participants and officials (judges) Quality/Consistency of judging – some proposals, but especially newer members need lots of support (grading structure/training/exposure) Belts/Anchor protection – re-look by TAC, but current rules will be strictly applied (letter to members to warn against abuse, especially belts!) Women Age (@16 for senior participation – does this negatively impact on U23/U18?) Youth – Consider teams of 7 & 9? Presentation – On field and at medal ceremonies: Some improvement, but…. Magazine/Newsletter/Social media – some new ideas
…..strat #6 Training material to be updated – Manuals/DVD’s New uniforms for officials – Grey shirt/Dark grey jacket (black pants to remain) Funding base – TWIF must be able to operate on a sound financial basis Current championship “model” since late 1980 (tender/host country + TWIF/fee & event only?) Environment has changed – Must explore new models, Ie. Contract out, TWIF as co-risk taker, host cities, etc
…..strat #7 Cost of championships/Fees: NOT the fee (£12,000/800 = £15; £15,000/1,000 =£15) Accreditation fee = £100/person (1,000x£100) Accommodation/Travel & Airfares IT/Video screen costs Must find a solution