Caribbean Fishery Management Council SSC Update Caribbean Fishery Management Council St. Thomas, USVI December 13, 2016
Next SSC meeting Week of February 6-10, 2017 Final review of the revisions to the SEDAR 46 SSC final recommendations to the CFMC on species/stock complexes groupings, and recommendations on the use of indicator species in Action 2 of the IBFMPs; SSC recommendations to the Council on the ABC for species/species complexes/groupings as per Action 3 of the IBFMPs (Reference Points, MSY proxies) following Tier 4 of the ABC Control Rule developed at the last SSC meeting.
SEDAR 46 Revisit Data-Limited Model (DLM) Tool Kit Detailed review DLM approach based on experience to date, from conceptual models to application and potential for OFL and/or ABC advice (following Tier 3 of the ABC Control Rule developed at the last SSC meeting) Emphasis on Yellowtail Snapper (PR) as best case scenario Implications for spiny lobster (STT/STJ and STX), hogfish (PR), and queen triggerfish (STT/STJ)
SEDAR 2017 Spiny Lobster (PR): Would compare same species across all island platforms Would assess potential changes for ACLs
SEDAR 2018 Workshop on: Life history parameters Ecological indicators Economic indicators Involve all stakeholders Goal: consensus on future model inputs