What have we learned about rewards?
We are commanded to pursue rewards We are accountable for the way we live To get rewards we need to live a rewardable life Our Judge is just, but also merciful Those who show mercy will receive mercy We will be judged on how much we achieve our God-given potential
Faithful believers will rule with Christ forever Everyone will be evaluated before God We decide which judgment we will face We must decide if we are ready to face the Lord Good works clothe us for the Kingdom celebration An enduring love means an enduring reward
A rewardable life deals with all the issues we may face.
“Sharp two-edged sword” Jesus is presented as One who judges with His word. He is able to discern and judge thoughts, motives, and actions. Heb. 4:12-13 The Revelation of Jesus
“where Satan’s throne is/where Satan dwells”? They lived in a difficult environment and stayed faithful in it, even when one among their number was killed for his faith (2:13). How would you like to minister in a city described by God Himself as a place “where Satan’s throne is/where Satan dwells”? Tough neighborhood. The Praise
Balaam’s Sin Balak wanted Israel cursed (Num. 22:6), Balaam initially didn’t go. God allowed him to go next time, but Balaam had issues, even a donkey was smarter. He was after money (2 Pet. 2:15) and apparently taught Balak how to lead Israel into sin (immorality) and, therefore, to be cursed (judged) by God. Josephus talks about this (Antiquities 4, 6) and it is confirmed by Num. 25:1-3.
Immorality and Idol Worship Probably sums up America today. Television, movies, sports, and music…and the platforms they give the personalities on them, probably do more to develop our belief systems than anything else. The Problem
We either get right with God or face the consequences. God will “go to war” with those who treat immorality and false gods casually. (v. 16) We either get right with God or face the consequences. The Problem
Jesus is the living Bread, on whom we “feast” - John 6 “Manna” (v. 17) Jesus is the living Bread, on whom we “feast” - John 6 Probably the benefits of fellowship with Christ, likely the focus is the Wedding Feast. Rev. 19:9; Mt. 26:29 It seems fellowship and intimacy with Jesus is in mind. Ps. 11:7; 15; Pr. 15:8-9; Mt. 5:8; Jn. 14:21-24 The Reward
Context of the Messianic Feast “White Stone” Context of the Messianic Feast A “tessara” (small tile) = token for admission to banquets and athletic games. Our name on it identified it as our ticket. The Reward
Winners at the Isthmian games were given money and a certificate of victory. A small white tablet of white stone with the name of the victor inscribed by an expert carver. The Reward
We may be despised here, but in heaven, victors are honored. To have this is to be recognized by the Divine Judge as a victor in battle. We may be despised here, but in heaven, victors are honored. The sentence of earthly judges is reversed by the Judge! The Reward
Cephas Peter = “the rock” Joses Barnabas = “son of encouragement” New name = Jewish custom of giving a name at a point in life consistent with characteristics of a person. Cephas Peter = “the rock” Joses Barnabas = “son of encouragement” The Reward
Overcomers get a new name of honor. Intimacy is a reward as it is between Jesus and us alone. The Reward
The new name of the Overcomer involves his “own particular life message, his own particular history of struggle and demonstration of God’s life in his”. Dillow The Reward
“He who has an ear” God looks for people who are responsive. James 4:8 The Correction
A rewardable life deals with all the issues we may face.