Middle Eastern Peoples and the Roots of Judaism


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Presentation transcript:

Middle Eastern Peoples and the Roots of Judaism Sacred Western Wall in Jerusalem and Islamic Dome of the Rock

Objectives: Discuss central beliefs of Judaism and its legacy on world history Explain the achievements of the Phoenicians Locate Nubia, Phoenician colonies, Nubia, and Canaan on a map

The Phoenicians created separate city-states along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea (present day Lebanon) in 1100 BCE

How did the Phoenicians make a living? -they were seafarers and traders -brought goods to the trading centers of Byblos, Sidon and Tyre -also known for superior shipbuilding

-Phoenician colonies developed in North Africa, Spain and Sicily -Phoenician traders controlled trade in the Mediterranean Sea; were the first to travel along the Atlantic coast

Achievements of the Phoenicians Master shipbuilders and seafarers Produced purple dye, highly valued in its day Developed the alphabet used for trade and adopted around the world. Established trade routes outside the Mediterranean around the continent of Europe

The Roots of Judaism Canaan, in present-day Israel became the home for Hebrews between 2000 600 BCE

They would later become known as the Jews which describes the geographic area of the tribe of Judah

Why are the Hebrews so important in World History? -They were the first to practice monotheism (belief in one god) -Their beliefs also influenced two other world religions

Abraham, the father of Judaism is also a prophet in Islam. Does anyone know why?

the father of monotheism, Abraham, the father of monotheism, had two sons Isaac Ishmael Hebrews and Christians are descendants Arabic Muslims are descendants

The story of the Hebrews Abraham was told by God (“Yahweh”) to take his people to the land of Canaan which was the promised land. Drought and famine forced the Hebrews to migrate to Egypt where they were forced into slavery.

The story of the Hebrews: Moses survived as male babies were ordered killed; was raised by an Egyptian princess The Exodus: Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt and out of slavery—today celebrated as Passover Moses received the Ten Commandments upon Mount Sinai

The Torah, which is the most sacred text for Hebrews, is also the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.

Central beliefs of Judaism Belief in one god – Monotheism God promised to care for the Hebrews in return for their promises to follow God’s law. This is called a covenant. The Torah contains the written records and beliefs of the Jews The Ten Commandments are the moral code that Jews are expected to abide by.

The Hebrews from 1020-922 BCE Hebrew Kings David Established Jerusalem as the capital Solomon Built a sacred temple in Jerusalem that housed the Ark of the Covenant which contained the tablets of Moses’ law. Building of the temple caused very high taxes and the Northern Hebrews revolted. The kingdom divided into two – Israel in the North and Judah in the south.

The Western or Wailing Wall- the only remains of the sacred temple in Jerusalem

The Jewish Diaspora -In 586, the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the holy temple -Many Jews were exiled to Babylon. This is called the Exile -Jewish Diaspora: the scattering of the Jews that were not exiled The second Jewish Diaspora occurs when Rome conquered Jerusalem in 70 CE. -Both the Exile and the Diaspora led to the spread of Judaism.

In 539 BCE a new conqueror arrived –his name was Cyrus and he was the leader of the Persians. Persians came from present day Iran- they ruled the most powerful empire in the world. Cyrus freed the Jews and allowed them to return to Jerusalem.

Nubia and Kush Rose between 2000 and 1000 BCE As Egypt’s empire fades, Kush establishes a dynasty in Egypt and adopts Egyptian culture.

Ancient pyramids of Meroe, capital of Kush

By 671 BCE, the Assyrians had conquered Egypt while the Kushites retreated south to Meroe where Kushite civilization flourished. Meroe

Picture citations http://www.sacred-destinations.com/israel/jerusalem-western-wall-pictures/slides/from-above-cc-john-spier.htm http://faculty.maxwell.syr.edu/gaddis/HST210/Sept11/NearEastMap.jpg http://www.kznnorthhappenings.co.za/images/images_natalhistory/phoenicianship.jpg http://www.phoenician.org/alphabet_phoenician.GIF http://www.bbc.co.uk/norfolk/content/images/2007/01/11/torah_scroll_300_300x400.jpg http://www.aug.edu/~nprinsky/Humn2001/hb-bk.JPG http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/24921.jpg http://www.claudemariottini.com/blog/uploaded_images/black-pharaohs-728993.jpg http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/262/268312/art/figures/KISH_04_77.gif http://www.advertisingbydesign.com/TheWord/maps/grafx/ancient-hebrews.jpg http://www.sacred-destinations.com/israel/jerusalem-western-wall-pictures/view-c-zyzy.jpg