Matthew’s Infancy Narrative An Overture that Points to Easter?
The Shape of the Story Genealogy and Birth 1:1-25 Heading 1:1 Concluding summary 1:17 A Dream and a Birth 1:18-25 Dreams and Commands The Magi 2:1-12 Flight into Egypt 2:13-15 Return to Israel 2:16-21 The Move to Nazareth 2:22-23
Dwd = 14 The Genealogy Biblical Precedent – Genealogies matter (Gen 5:1; 1Chronicles 1-3) Prove Jesus is rooted in the Jewish Tradtion and of the House of David Significant structure points to him as fulfilment of Israel’s history 14x 14x 14x Dwd = 14
The Role of the Women Tamar – Gen 38 Rahab – Josh 2:6 Ruth – Ruth 1-4 Bathsheba - 2Sam11-12 Foreign Women Stories are potentially scandalous Yet each plays a key role in the story of Israel
The Arrangement of 1:18-2:23 Five scenes containing: Dream command, Fulfilment of Scripture Obedience to command 1:18-25 Jesus is legally of Joseph but also Emmanuel 2:1-12 The Magi – gentile seekers 2:13-15 The Threat of Herod (anticipation of rejection) 2:16-21 Child is saved and returns to Israel 2:22-23 The Child moves to Nazareth
Parallels Between Moses and Jesus Genealogy Ex:1:1-5 Dream prophesies that Moses will save his people Moses escapes slaughter of Hebrew Children (Ex 1:15-22) Pharaoh learns of deliverer from his scribes (Josephus) Moses returns after the death of Pharaoh (Ex4:19) JESUS Genealogy Matt 1:2-16 Joseph told in dream Jesus will save his people Jesus escapes Herod’s slaughter Herod learns of future King from scribes After death of Herod Joseph commanded by angel to return to Israel