An NC Cooperative Extension Program
NC AgVentures provides grants to NC farmers for new and innovative agricultural project ideas that will increase farm profits. (Minimum of 20 grant awards)
Funding Proposals up $10,000 The average grant award is $5000 to $10,000 Producers provide 15% cost share The grant awards are taxable income
Who is eligible? North Carolina residents who are agriculturally dependent and who have viable ideas for new and innovative agricultural projects
Priority will be given to: Current or former tobacco growers, former quota holder, tobacco workers, a close family descendant or farming land with tobacco history. Farmers earning at least 50% of their personal income from their farm operation. New and innovative agricultural project ideas that will increase farm profits.
How are the applications reviewed? Proposals are reviewed by NCSU faculty and other experts who are familiar with agriculture, agribusiness, entrepreneurship and the local community. Applications will be ranked according to a numerical scoring system that evaluates the strength of the project to meet the grant priorities and criteria. Proposals will be read and scored by three reviewers.
Review Criteria It is not necessary to meet all criteria to get an award Does the project benefit current or past tobacco growers, or quota holders? Will the project increase income? Will the project increase or maintain employment opportunities? Has the proposal been adequately researched? Is the budget realistic? Does the application include price quotes? Does the applicant have the skills to complete the project or have they identified technical assistance to help them implement a successful project? Does the project present a new direction or opportunity to diversify, expand or implement new entrepreneurial plans for their farm operation? Will the project become self-supporting or enhance the current farm operation? Does the project maintain or increase the number of acres used for production? This criteria is written in the application. The reviewer evaluation mirrors this criteria. This criteria is a guide to help shape your grant application answers When you helping an applicant write their application, be sure the applicants have answered the questions clearly and with enough detail Menu selections Applications are located on the left side menu. We will add application workshops dates when available The Community applications are only available in Agent Resources…since they are only for Extension use.
Deadline Dates Deadline to submit application is Applicants should call, by Dec. 14th to arrange an appointment with their Agent for a proposal consultation. Deadline to submit application is Friday 5 PM, January 5, 2017 (Completed applications are submitted by their Agent) The deadlines are for the public If you run into a situation with extenuating circumstances please call and we try to work out an arrangement.
Next Steps Download and read the application to determine what information you need to collect Call your Agent by Dec. 14, 2016 to arrange a consultation Complete your application and submit the final version to your Agent by 5 PM Jan. 6, 2016 Poll agents about regional workshop or county workshop. Last year we received 46 applications
Hold the Date! New Grantee Orientation Workshops February 22, 2017 Johnston County Extension Office 10 - 1 February 29, 2017 Guilford County Extension Office 10 - 1