By: Connor, Diego, and Cheyenne Africa Infographic By: Connor, Diego, and Cheyenne
Urbanization In Africa Urbanization, the idea where people move to the cities of Africa, has become a problem. In Africa, many people have trouble accessing water, jobs, and healthcare. The causes of why people are moving to the cities include climate change, and better housing conditions. The effects of Urbanization include population growth, which is causing cities to overpopulate, also causing things like sanitary problems, because disease is spreading around because people are so close together. African leaders have started to improve the infrastructure in the cities to improve the living conditions for the people. People in Africa now want to move to the cities for better living quality. Urbanization will cause cities populations to grow drastically as shown in the picture above
Sanitation problems In present day Africa many people are going to the city's for the jobs, healthcare and housing. With all of these people coming in resources are limited and in some cases not available. For example water in some parts is not safe to drink or not available at all. The polluted water can cause sicknesses like cholera, amoebiasis, dysentery, and many others. One of the main causes cause of disease in Africa is urbanization because so many people are so close together and with a lack of bathrooms and trash services disease spreads quickly . Africa's sanitation problems have been horrible with the lack of public bathrooms and trash services. Many people are left living in trash, and disease has been spread all over the continent.
Population Growth Due to climate change, deforestation along with the lack of vegetation and animals, people started moving towards any source of water. With the population growing people started to overfill cities , which has lead to new diseases in the cities of Africa. Overall the leaders have used similar ideas to improve Population Growth that were used to start to fix urbanization. These leaders have improve the infrastructure of the areas to help fit all the people in the continent. People started to move west since 1990 and has grown since then but bringing along with them diseases and people from the rural places move to the Urbana