LHCONE In Europe Mian Usman DANTE.


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Presentation transcript:

LHCONE In Europe Mian Usman DANTE

Agenda What is LHCONE Network? LHCONE in GEANT Network. LHCONE setup in European NRENs 2

What is LHCONE? LHCONE is an overlay network supported by Over 15 national and international RENs Several Open Exchange Points including NetherLight, StarLight, MANLAN and others Trans-Atlantic connectivity provided by ACE, GEANT, NORDUNET and USLHCNET Over 50 end sites connected to LHCONE 45 Tier 2s 10 Tier 1s https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCONE/LhcOneVRF#Connected_sites BNL, Prague LCG T2, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, NORMAN, OK CAMPUS (not yet connected) 3

LHCONE: A global infrastructure for the LHC Tier1 data center and Tier 2 analysis center connectivity SimFraU NDGF-T1 SCINET (UTor) UVic UAlb NDGF-T1b NDGF-T1c CANARIE Canada NL-T1 NORDUnet Nordic TRIUMF-T1 McGill SARA Netherlands KurchatowT1 ICEPP U Tokyo Korea CERN-T1 SINET Japan CERN (CERNLight) Geneva Chicago (StarLight) KISTI Korea Amsterdam TIFR India Geneva CIC OmniPoP Indiana GigaPoP KNU KERONET2 Korea DESY SLAC ESnet USA RWTH Wup.U DE-KIT-T1 FNAL-T1 GSI DFN Germany New York (MAN LAN) Seattle BNL-T1 India CENIC USA Caltech ASGC-T1+T2 GÉANT Europe ASGC2 ASGC Taiwan AGLT2 MSU IU Los Angles MIT UNL AGLT2 UM AGLT2 WSU UIUC MWT2 Washington (WIX) UCSD UWisc CC-IN2P3-T1 NCU NTU NE UFlorida TWAREN Taiwan PurU IN2P3 (10 sites) GLakes SoW CEA (IRFU) Vandebilt UNeb RENATER France Internet2 USA Harvard PIC-T1 INFN (9 sites) CNAF-T1 RedIRIS Spain GARR Italy UNAM CUDI Mexico LHCONE VRF domain LHCONE VRF aggregrator networks End sites – LHC Tier 2/3 unless indicated as Tier 1 Sites that are standalone VRFs NTU Regional R&E communication nexus Chicago Communication links, 10, 20, 30, and 100Gb/s See http://lhcone.net for details. August 7, 2014

LHCONE Overlay Network

LHCONE in Europe GEANT 6

LHCONE in Europe GEANT Aggregate LHCONE traffic from all the NRENs and Peers Average traffic ~25Gbps Sustained Peaks ~35Gbps Trans-Atlantic Traffic ~ 15Gbps (Peak) 7

LHCONE in Europe RENATER (French NREN) All French LCG sites are now connected to LHCONE

LHCONE in Europe RENATER (French NREN)

T1 LHCOPN/LHCONE GARR Q1 2014 LHCONE MI2 MI1 Connects: Italian T1 and LHCONE links LHCOPN/LHCONE GARR Q1 2014 LHCOPN links LHCONE Site Connection INFN-CNAF Bologna (T1) 4x10G (LHCONE+LHCOPN) INFN-Bari (T2) 10G (LHCONE) INFN-Catania (T2) 10G (LHCONE) INFN-Frascati (T2) INFN-Legnaro (T2) 2x10G (LHCONE+GP) INFN-Napoli (T2) INFN-Milano (T2) INFN-Pisa (T2) INFN-Roma1 (T2) INFN-Torino (T2) 100G LHCONE backup 100G LHCONE Primary 2x10G 10G MI2 MI1 6x10G 6x10G 12x10G Connects: Italian T1 and Eight T2 sites Peers with: GEANT and ARNES VRF RM2 BO1 6x10G 10G 4x10G General purpose 10G LHCOPN+LHCONE T1

LHCONE in Europe GARR (Italian NREN) Link to GEANT 100G primary and 100G backup (Shared) CNAF T1 connected at 40G (4x10G) The T2s might be upgraded to 2x10G in 2014 11

LHCONE in Europe DFN (German NREN) Connects KIT, DESY, GSI, RWTH Aachen and Frankfurt Peer with GEANT VRF in Amsterdam and Frankfurt at 100GE(Shared) Recent changes Upgrade of DE-KIT link in Frankfurt and Erlangen 12

LHCONE in Europe DFN (German NREN) 13

LHCONE in Europe RoEduNet (Romainian NREN) Configured as separate VRF on RoEduNet All Seven T2s in Romania connected: 1. RO-02-NIPNE 2. RO-07-NIPNE 3. RO-11-NIPNE 4. RO-13-ISS 5. RO-15-NIPNE 6. RO-14-ITIM 7. RO-16-UAIC Peers with GEANT LHCONE VRF Sites 1-5 are connected to our router in the site named MAG (Magurele), please see attached pictures, using a 10Gbps Ethernet circuit. These sites are connected now to a switch with 12x10Gbps interfaces, which connects to our router MAG at 10 Gbps. There are plans to replace this switch with a router and to connect it with multiple 10G to our router in MAG.   Site 6 is connected to CLU NOC (Cluj-Napoca) with a shared 10Gbps Ethernet circuit. Shared means it is used by the whole institution, not only by LHCONE site. Site 7 is connected to IAS NOC (Iasi) with a shared 10Gbps Ethernet circuit. The situation is the same as the above site, RO-16-UAIC shares a 10Gbps Ethernet connection with the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University (UAIC) it is hosted at. 14

LHCONE in Europe RoEduNet (Romainian NREN) Average Traffic to GEANT ~2Gbps Sustained peaks of over 6 Gbps 15

LHCONE in Europe CESNet (Czech Republic), NL-T1 Link between CESNet and GEANT 10G dedicated: NL-T1 now connected to LHCONE via SURFNet in Amsterdam: The CESNET Association has developed the local infrastructure, and connected the computing centre of the Institute of Physics of AS CR from 28 June 2013. The connection to the LHCONE network is realized via the GÉANT network equipment installed at the CESNET site. The Institute of Physics–CESNET connection is based on the new DWDM 10G channel over the existing pair of optical fibres. Very soon after the connection establishment, the traffic reached peak results  up to 4 Gb/s. 16

LHCONE in Europe ARNES (Slovenian NREN) Configured as separate VRF on ARNES network and peers with GEANT and GARR (Italian) VRF Connects Slovenian T2 Traffic to/from GEANT VRF average ~2.5Gbps and peaks at ~7Gbps 17

LHCONE in Europe NORDUNet 18

LHCONE in Europe NORDUNet Configured as VRF on NORDUnet backbone network Connects Nordic T1 NDGF and Russian T2 NORDUnet VRF peers with GEANT, CERNLight, ESNet and Internet2 VRF NORDUnet present at MANLAN and NetherLight peaks 5-6Gbps, Average 1-2Gbps 19

LHCONE in Europe CERNLight Configured as L3VPN VRF on CERN Brocade MLXe CERNLight VRF peers with GEANT, NORDUNet, ESNet and Internet2 VRF Connects 2 Sites: CERN T1 TIFR (Indian T2) Upgrade required 20

LHCONE in Europe Summary LHCONE in Europe is deployed in: ARNES (Slovenia) CERNLight (Switzerland) CESnet (Czech Republic) DFN (Germany) GARR (Italy) GEANT NORDUnet RENATER (France) RoEduNet (Romania) SURFnet (Netherlands) RENs in these countries connect: Six Tier 1s in Europe to LHCONE 30 Tier 2s in Europe to LHCONE Indian T2 Russian T2 21

LHCONE in Europe Questions? 22

LHCONE in Europe Questions? Mian.usman@dante.net 23