Chapter 1 Parts of a Paragraph Week 1 (Tuesday) 2017.09.19 pp. 2-13
Learning Goals In this chapter, you will learn how to… Identify different parts of a paragraph Construct topic sentences Support your topic sentence with details (e.g. examples) Know how facts and opinions are different End your paragraph with a concluding sentence Write, revise, edit a paragraph to make your written communication more effective
Writing style p.2 What are some examples of communication styles? Why is a person’s communication style important?
Short Reading p.3 Please read the following paragraph:
Pair Work Work in pairs. Try to answer the questions about the reading. Report your answers to the class.
Answers Certain communication styles are ineffective. Sentence 1 3. It explains that aggressive and passive communication styles are ineffective. 4. It can involve speaking in a disrespectful manner or expressing anger. 5. Sentence 5 6. It can lead a person to hide his or her beliefs and submit to demands. 7. Sentence 11
Word Families p. 4 There are different classes for a word, for example, the word success belongs to one part of speech — NOUNS. What are some other parts of speech you know? What are some other word families for word success? Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
Please fill out the chart with different word families for each verb: NOTE: Leave the space blank if you cannot find the word in that form.
List the ending(s) for each part of speech.
What is a paragraph? Please think of a definition for “a paragraph.” Share your definition with the class.
Parts of a Paragraph Please take turns to read the introduction. Each row, please take turns to read a sentence. Row 1: Sentence 1 Row 2: Sentence 2 Row 3: Sentence 3…so on
What is a topic sentence? P.5 What are some features of a topic sentence? Please share your answers with the class. Please try to do Practice 2 and Practice 3 alone. Then, check your answer with a partner.
Decide which sentence is the best topic sentence. Label the others TG (too general), TS (too specific), or I (incomplete).
Read the sentences and decide which is the topic sentence.
Read the sentences and decide which is the topic sentence.
The two parts of a topic sentence p. 8 Read the introduction silently. Work on Practice 4 and check your answers with a partner.
Predicting supporting information What kind of supporting information can you predict to read after the topic sentences? Choose a Topic Sentence from Practice 4 and give your answers.
Writing topic sentences Before you write a topic sentence, you must read the supporting sentences first. Complete Practice 5 (A & B). Some of you will be picked to share your topic sentences on the board with the class.
A. Write a topic sentence for each paragraph.
B. Write topic sentences for each topic.
Supporting sentences p.11 What are some features of supporting sentences? What are some types of supporting sentences we may find?
Read two versions of the paragraph. Answer the questions.
Fact vs Opinions Please read the introduction aloud when the teacher calls your name.
Look at the objects: 蛋黃哥親子蓋飯 蛋黃哥日式煎茶 Please write 1 factual statement & 1 opinion statement about one of the objects. Source: