Creating Priority Objectives Darren Blagburn Institutional Effectiveness or x1846
ISU’s Strategic Planning Process 1. Gather Facts 2. SWOT Analysis 3. Review Inputs 4. Define Vision 5. Define Mission 6. Define Core Themes 7. Develop Strategies 9. Complete Assessments 10. Review & Adjust 8. Develop Measures This slide simply shows the process the Strategic Planning Working Group followed. By gathering facts we identified who the Customers, stakeholders, and competitors are. Defined Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats then used the latter to identify problem statements (review inputs) Created Vision, Mission and Value Statements Developed Priority issues, action plans, and matrices to support those issues Annually evaluate and adjust the action plans if they are not accomplishing the objectives.
Outcomes- Priority Objectives Class on Process for developing Priority Objectives- 15 mins Define the Priority Objectives-60 mins Discuss Priority Objectives-30 mins
The Purpose of Priority Objectives What purpose do priority objectives serve? Priority Objectives define strategic changes an organization will implement Provide direction & drive decision making Improvement in the institution Supports achievement Prioritize resources Encourage “out of the box thinking” Foster teamwork by focusing on one common end
What Are Priority Objectives Priority Issues Priority Objectives Equal in priority Mark quantifiable steps toward achieving mission fulfillment and goals Long-range= 3-5 years out Priority Objectives not in the top 5 don’t receive increased resources or time but can be action plans Criteria used to create Strategic Objectives
Priority Objectives-SMART? SMART goals that address the priority objectives S M A R T SMART Priority Objectives Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Bound Track its progress quantifiable, benchmarks Is it realistic and within reach Is it worthwhile does it align w/ vision/ mission It will have a time limit Define who, what, where, why (purpose)
Examples of Priority Objectives Priority Issue: Identity Crisis Definition: ISU’s lack of clear identity leads to misperceptions by our community and prospective students. Without a consistent, positive message, we fail to stand out. Priority Objective: Establish ISU as Idaho’s university of choice for diverse educational opportunities and the low- cost alternative by 2022.
Examples of Priority Objectives Priority Issue: Centers for Learning Funding Definition: There is an inequitable distribution of funding and a lack of budget autonomy in the Centers for Learning, which impacts day-to-day operations and resources that may not be appropriate for all sites. Priority Objective: Centers for Learning- Transform ISU’s outreach Centers for Learning into self-sustaining campuses by discontinuing their financial and operational dependence and increasing appropriate program opportunities by 2020.
Examples of Priority Objectives Priority Issue: Professional Development Definition: There is a need for professional development offerings for our students, alumni, and community. Priority Objective: By 2022, ISU creates a meaningful Community Professional Development Program that 200 public and private professionals use to foster their management and technical skills.
Examples of Priority Objectives Priority Issue: Retention Definition: The lack of transparency of the total cost of education and perceived value of credential (or lack there of) along with weak connections to ISU campuses and identify, aging facilities and varied preparedness for college-level work negatively impact student retention Priority Objective: ISU’s dedication to freshmen and sophomore student success will result in a 20% increase in their retention by 2022.
Examples of Priority Objectives Priority Issue: Community Partnerships Definition: ISU’s outreach is limited by scarce resources and institutional barriers that impede the development of partnerships and networking that promote community and university initiatives. Priority Objective: By reaffirming relationships with leaders in each of ISU’s service-region communities over the next five years the University offers its educational expertise to further initiatives that achieve societal improvements.
Priority Objectives Questions?