October, 2001 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [QoS Policy Proposal] Date Submitted: [9 October, 2001 Source: [Allen D. Heberling] Company [XtremeSpectrum, Inc.] Address [8133 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22033 USA] Voice:[703-269-3022], FAX: [], E-Mail:[adheberling@ieee.org] Re: [] Abstract: [Identifies MAC protocol mechanisms that will support varied levels of QoS] Purpose: [To propose several MAC protocol mechanisms which will enable support for QoS in an 802.15.3 WPAN environment.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
802.15.3 QoS Policy Proposal October, 2001 Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Overview Issue QoS Policy Proposal Effect upon current MAC proposal October, 2001 doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/470r0 October, 2001 Overview Issue QoS Policy Proposal Effect upon current MAC proposal Conclusion References Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
October, 2001 Issue Currently, there exists a mechanism for establishing Stream Indexed connections between DEVs in the piconet. However, there is currently not defined a mechanism for associating an incoming upper protocol layer SDU with a specific level of QoS and a specific Stream Indexed connection. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal Defines a Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) October, 2001 QoS Proposal Defines a Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) Receives SDUs from upper protocol layers Classifies received SDUs and processes the same if required. Delivers each SSCS PDU to the correct MAC-CPS SAP. Receives SSCS PDUs from a peer SSCS entity. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… Figure 1 802.15.3 Protocol Layer Model Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… Packet Convergence Sublayer (PCS) Receives SDUs from upper protocol layers (e.g. IP, 802.2) Classifies received SDUs and maps each SDU to a specific Stream-ID Delivers each PCS SDU to the correct MAC-CPS SAP. Receives PCS PDUs from a peer PCS entity. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… IEEE 802.2 LLC CS Best Effort Default QoS type supported All PDUs are treated the same IEEE 802.1p priority based QoS scheme Provides support for 1 to 8 traffic types with implied differences in QoS. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… IEEE 802.2 LLC CS continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… IEEE 802.2 LLC CS continued… User Priority Traffic Type Comments 0 ( Default) Best Effort (BE) Default WPAN traffic 1 Background (BK) 2 - Spare 3 Excellent Effort (EE) For valued customers 4 Controlled Load (CL) Traffic will have to conform to some higher protocol layer admission control. 5 Video (VI) < 100 ms delay and jitter 6 Voice (VO) < 10 ms delay and jitter 7 Network Control (NC) Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… IEEE 802.2 LLC CS classification parameters set: Destination MAC address Source MAC address Priority Classification priority Stream Index Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… Internet Protocol CS classification parameters set IP ToS Range/Mask IP Protocol IP Source Address/Mask IP Destination Address/Mask Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… Internet Protocol CS classification parameters set continued… Protocol Source Port Start Protocol Source Port End Protocol Destination Port Start Protocol Destination Port End Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… Internet Protocol CS classification parameters set continued… Classification priority Stream Index Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… Classification Set Relationship October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… Classification Set Relationship Figure 3 Classification Set Relationship Model Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… PCS Classification Process October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… PCS Classification Process Figure 2 Classification and Stream-ID Mapping Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… MAC Common Part Sublayer (MAC CPS) Provides a stream (connection) oriented service to the SCCS. Provides a TDMA mechanism which supports QoS parameters Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
QoS Proposal continued… October, 2001 QoS Proposal continued… MAC Common Part Sublayer (MAC CPS) Primitives MLME_TERMINATE_STREAM(CONNECTION).request MLME_TERMINATE_STREAM(CONNECTION).indication MLME_TERMINATE_STREAM(CONNECTION).response MLME_TERMINATE_STREAM(CONNECTION).confirm MAC_DATA.request MAC_DATA.indication Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Quality of Service (QoS) Policies October, 2001 Quality of Service (QoS) Policies Requirements for QoS: Default Service Flows w/ default QoS parameters. Support for dynamic creation of custom Service Flows and their QoS parameters. Scheduling algorithm which uses the Service Flow QoS parameters to allocate piconet resources. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Quality of Service (QoS) Policies continued… October, 2001 Quality of Service (QoS) Policies continued… Principle Mechanism Assignment of received upper protocol layer packets to an appropriate Stream Index/Service Flow pair and its associated QoS characteristics. QoS Parameter Set elements Traffic Priority Peak Rate Minimum Rate Maximum Burst Size Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Quality of Service (QoS) Policies continued… October, 2001 Quality of Service (QoS) Policies continued… Service Flow Attributes Service Flow ID Stream Index ProvQoSParmSet ActiveQoSParmSet Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Quality of Service (QoS) Policies continued… October, 2001 Quality of Service (QoS) Policies continued… Service Flow continued… Types Provisioned SFID is assigned Requested QoS resources are still not reserved. Active SFID and Stream Index are assigned and associated Non-NULL set ofActiveQoSParms PNC has reserved the requested Piconet resources. Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Effect upon Current 15.3 Protocol October, 2001 Effect upon Current 15.3 Protocol MLME_Create_Stream.req/ind/rsp/cfm & MLME_Terminate_Stream.req/ind/rsp/cfm Can interface to the stream management command MLME_MODIFY_Stream.req/ind/rsp/cfm Can interface to the channel time request command Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Effect upon Current 15.3 Protocol October, 2001 Effect upon Current 15.3 Protocol MLME_Create_Stream.req/ind requires the addition of these parameters: Convergence_sublayer_ID Service flow parms: SFID QoSParmSetType (e.g. provisioned, active) Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Conclusions This proposal provides a mechanism for : October, 2001 Conclusions This proposal provides a mechanism for : associating a specific level of QoS with a specific Stream Indexed connection. Interfacing to these Packet oriented services 802.2 service specific convergence sublayer Internet Protocol service specific convergence sublayer interfacing to as yet to be defined packet convergence sublayers (e.g. vendor specific, USB, 1394, …) Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Conclusions continued… October, 2001 Conclusions continued… This proposal introduces these minor changes and/or additions to the current specification (e.g. Service Specific Convergence Sublayer w/ Convergence Sublayer ID, SFID, QosParmSetType). Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
October, 2001 References IEEE P802.16D04-2001Standard Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems ETSI TS 101 493-2 V1.1.1 Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); Hiperlan Type2; Packet based Convergence Layer; Part 2 Ethernet Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
October, 2001 References ETSI TS 101 493-1 V1.1.1 Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); Hiperlan Type2; Packet based Convergence Layer; Part 1 Common Part Allen D. Heberling, XtremeSpectrum, Inc.