Understanding and Reaching People of Other Faiths Jn. 4:22-24, Ac. 17: 22-23; Ruth 1:16-17
Windows of opportunity Introduction: Windows of opportunity Missions commitment
1. The Growth of Migrant Populations and Multifaith Community Eg. Australian Census 2006 418,000 Buddhists 340,000 Muslims 148,000 Hindus
2. Christian Approaches in Outreach People of Other Faiths as People People of Other Faiths as Other Religious Systems C. Effective Methods
A. People of Other Faiths as People People of other faiths are human beings with needs and aspirations Avoid stereotypes Love them into the kingdom
B. People of other Faiths as Other Religious Systems. Islam~ Revelational and Supreme 4 Major Objections to Christianity i) The Bible is Corrupted ii) The Trinity vs. Tawhid iii) The Incarnation and Deity of Christ iv) The Death and Resurrection of Christ
Bridges Within the Quran Christ – His titles and His miracles Sacrifice of animals– Atonement Eschatology --Christ’s return
C. The Effective Methods Generic Considerations: Asian Peoples Communal peoples Respect for the elderly Very hospitable Non-confrontational Followership through senior leadership
C. The Effective Methods Approaches to Evangelism: Entry Points-- One on One Friendship Situational Neutral Places Bridge building Superior Gospel Blessings Man of Peace
Some Blocks / Roads to Discipleship Ancestral worship Idols Family Ties--Honour
Conclusions Ooi Chin Aik