8th Grade Fremont Jr. High


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Presentation transcript:

8th Grade Fremont Jr. High Data Analysis 8th Grade Fremont Jr. High

Scientific Method Review Problem Hypothesis Experiment/Test IV DV Constants Control Group Experimental Group Materials Procedure Data Collection Data Analysis Conclusion

First Does the time of day cause some classes Identify the Independent Variable (IV) and the Dependent Variable (DV) Does the time of day cause some classes to score higher on tests than others?

Hypothesis: The earlier in the day, the better the scores will be.

Organize Data Using a Table Does the time of day cause some classes to score higher on tests than others? N E X T Independent Variable goes here Dependent Variable goes here Organize Data Using a Table

Then… Organize Data Using a Table

Let’s review graphs next… Step 3 Choose the best graph to display the data. Let’s review graphs next…

Which Graph is Best for this Data?

Which Graph is Best for this Data?

A Bar Graph is Used for Comparison

Which Graph is Best for this Data? Franklin's Class Grades # of Students A 9 B 7 C 2 D 1 F 6

Which Graph is Best for this Data? Franklin's Class Grades # of Students A 9 B 7 C 2 D 1 F 6

A Pie Chart Shows Percent-Whole Relationships Franklin's Class Grades # of Students A 9 B 7 C 2 D 1 F 6 A Pie Chart Shows Percent-Whole Relationships

Which Graph is Best for this Data? Suzy's Scores Date Test Scores (%) January 25, 2005 67 February 25, 2005 71 March 25, 2005 87 April 25, 2005 85 May 25, 2005 98

Which Graph is Best for this Data? Suzy's Scores Date Test Scores (%) January 25, 2005 67 February 25, 2005 71 March 25, 2005 87 April 25, 2005 85 May 25, 2005 98

Line Graphs Show Change over Time Suzy's Scores Date Test Scores (%) January 25, 2005 67 February 25, 2005 71 March 25, 2005 87 April 25, 2005 85 May 25, 2005 98 Line Graphs Show Change over Time

Create a Graph Title Y Axis Label = DV Key Scale X axis label = IV

The Axis Labels Have 3 Parts The units of measurement The IV or DV Label The Scale

Data Analysis Central Tendency Relationship between the IV and DV Slope of Line (Rate of Change) Highs & Lows Differences & Similarities Error Analysis

Write the Data Analysis Overall, the trend seems to be that scores increase as the day progresses. The highest average was 98%; the lowest 67%. The range is 31; the mean 81.6%; the median 85; there is no mode. This could be because students are more awake and alert later in the day. This data could be misinterpreted however. It could also be that more “honor” students are in 3rd and 5th hours and this pulls up the average test scores. Further analysis should be done since some students were absent. Science Test Class Period Average Score (%) 1 67 2 71 3 87 4 85 5 98

Conclusion State whether the hypothesis was supported / was not supported. summarize the results of your data. Hypothesis: The earlier in the day, the better the scores will be.

Hypothesis: The earlier in the day, the better the scores will be. Science Test Class Period Average Score (%) 1 67 2 71 3 87 4 85 5 98 The Hypothesis was not supported by the data. Scores increased throughout the day with 5th period scoring 31% higher than 1st period.