How to make great graphs that make sense! Graphing! How to make great graphs that make sense!
Example Graph… Y Dependent Variable (Include Units!) X Legend (if needed) X Independent Variable (Include Units!)
Steps to making a graph! Decide which type of graph is best for your data! Line graph = for graphing changes in a variable over time. Bar graph = for graphing data from different categories or groups. Pie Chart = for graphing percentages (parts of the whole)
Types of Graphs: Line
Types of Graphs: Bar
Types of Graphs: Pie
Steps Continued… Descriptive Title! Label axes! Include Units! Independent variable on x axis Dependent on y axis Include Units! Include a legend (if needed) Plot your data points! Finish your graph and make sure it is clear and makes sense! Remember, the point of a graph is to make the data MORE CLEAR and EASIER to UNDERSTAND!