IGG Agenda – 18th October 2007 Minutes from last IGG meeting 10.00 – 10.10 Review of Action Items 10.10 – 10.20 CER Update 10.20 – 10.30 Gemserv Update 10.30 – 10.40 Market Operations Update 10.40 – 10.50 Networks SEM Update 10.50 – 11.50 Retail Market Design Service Update 11.50 – 12.00 Market Design Update 12.00– 12.10 Next Steps 12.10 – 12.20 1
Minutes Minutes from IGG meeting – September 14th 2007 2
Action Items Actions Addressed in Advance of Meeting Update on Action Items Actions to be covered during remainder of presentation Actions to be carried forward Other Action Items 3
Actions addressed in advance of meeting Action Item 141 Participants to provide RMDS with contact details for the cutover weekend Action Item 143 (CER) Communicate debt hopping issue to CER personnel and give a response to market participants by September 21st Action Item 151 To progress DR 127 - Corrections to ARIS Market Message Structures to MCR 4
Action Items to be covered later in the presentation RMDS to issue detailed document covering the Approach to Cutover Version 6.1 in advance of the next conference call. Action Item 149 Review MCR 154 (Versioning of 341 message) on the light of the points raised at the IGG held on 14th September Action Item 8 Investigate whether new 131 message could be issued for Special Read Request 5
Action Items to be covered later in the presentation Action Item 153 (Conference Call Action Item) Give a progress report on the Year End arrangements at the next IGG 6
Action Item to be carried forward Action Item 7 (& Action Item 92) – RMDS to investigate the procedural issue whereby a duplicate MPRN is generated when a quotation is ‘rolled back’ Final internal review in progress WP to be reissued early next week 7
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 24 (& Action Item 75) – DR 112 - New MPD 37 New Transmission Connected Sites New draft of MPD 37 following Eirgrid review. Forwarded to Eirgrid for comment on September 28th 8
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 39 – To get information on the volumes of readings that are currently rejected because they are outside of the tolerance ranges for the different DGs In progress 9
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 41 – Raise a DR to propose the initiation of the updates to the Central Market Systems of a QH to QH meter replacement at the same time as the MV90 is updated Pilot process in place to manage QH to QH meter replacement and QH meter removal Further information under Market Design Update 10
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 74 – Use the Transactional Code Change Requests template to document request for 10 (plus 6) new Meter Category Codes Completed 1 new Meter Category added Looking for Approval of CCR 0001 11
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 108 – MRSO to expand Data Storage and Archival proposal to include all ESB Networks messages A proposal including all market messages has been drafted and will be circulated shortly following consultation with ESBN ‘message owners’. Draft approach is as follows: No. Arch/Del Comment 1 12/36 Originating registration request 2 6/36 Transactional registration messages 3 6/36 Meter Works transactional 4 13/36 Reads - billing affecting 5 6/36 Readings - transactional 6 19/36 Aggregation messages. 12
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 109 – New Working Practice required to cover Erroneous De-registrations A commercial document has been drafted. It is expected to issue to CER next week. 13
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 117 – All Retail Market Participants who intend to use the QH Readings Processor software after SEM go-live should notify RMDS before July 26th There appear to be none. Formal e-mail to issue to all participants shortly 14
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 131 – Establish the current status of the postcode proposals The Dept. of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources confirms that: The Post Code is included in the current programme for government. Some more work on quantifying the benefits is required. 15
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 144 - Review the ‘28 open issues’ from the Issues Log at the next conference call 16 open issues Request to MPs to review Issues Log, no responses received so far 16
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 148 – Participants to communicate to RMDS any problems with messages arriving in the in the incorrect order or not at all One response received so far 17
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 10 – Prepare proposals on addresses in the Retail Market Deferred until after SEM go-live at the request of the IGG 18
Action Items to be carried forward Action Item 88 – Organise TAG meeting in Jan/Feb 2008 to discuss MPCC architecture Deferred until January at the request of the IGG Action Item 89 – RMDS to contact NIE to discuss the EMMA architecture Will be addressed in advance of January IGG 19
CER Update 20
Gemserv Update 21
Recalculation of Estimates Existing Recalculation only where present less than previous Only as far back as present ceases to be less than previous Proposed Recalculation of all estimates, subject to a significance threshold DUoS tariff change flag Actual Reading 2 Actual Reading 1 Estimates A1 E1 Time E2 E3 A2 Consumption History with Estimates 22
Market Operations Update 23
Retail Electricity Market Issues Update Cormac Madden, RMDS 24
Retail Electricity Market Issues Log Log continuing to issue on a weekly basis Summary Statistics (as per last release – 17.10.07) Total Number of Issues Logged 147 Total ‘Closed’ 131 Total ‘In Progress’ 10 Total ‘Being Monitored’ 1 Total ‘Logged’ 5 Total Raised Since Last Issue 0 Total Closed Since Last Issue 0 25
Retail Market Design Service Update C. Madden, RMDS 26
Retail Market Design Service Update Cutover Plan Update on Year End arrangements 27
Retail Market Design Service Update Cutover Plan Pre – Cutover Provide Contact Details ½ hour timeslots for installing MPCC & connectivity test Reconcile message resends daily (602) Confirmation of cutover Fri 26th Oct Last time for Market Participants to create and send Ver. 5.1 market messages Fri 26th Oct 18h30 28
Retail Market Design Service Update Cutover Plan Cutover Weekend (Sat 27th - Mon 29th) Sat 27th Messages to be reconciled before 10am Sat 27th Last message resends to be submitted before 10am Sat 27th Systems disabled 11:30 am Sat Sun 30th No activity for Market Participants Mon 29th MP1 to install version 14 of MPCC complete connectivity test and to send 010 CoS message. (Mon 29th Oct 13h05 – 14h25) Eirgrid to install version 14 of MPCC and complete connectivity test (Mon 29th Oct 13h05 – 15h00) 29
Retail Market Design Service Update Cutover Plan Cutover Weekend (Sat 27th - Mon 29th) Mon 29th Go/No-Go decision 15h15 If Go Advise all Market Participants of Go decision. 15h15 Remainder of Market Participants to install MPCC software and complete connectivity test. 15h15 – 18h00 Post Cutover Tues 30th Issue the MPRN dataset to Non-PES Suppliers and TSO Wed 31st Issue the MPRN dataset to PES 30
Retail Market Design Service Update Update on Year End Arrangements Key points: NQH Readings messages will issue to suppliers on 24th, 28th and 31st December 2007, 2nd and 3rd January 2008 Aggregation messages will issue in line with the Settlement Calendar to be issued by SMO Arrangements for QH readings not known yet Valid NPA De-energisation requests must be received from suppliers by 4th December Year End Arrangements document will issue in the next week 31
Discussion Requests & Market Change Requests Susan Morrissey, RMDS 32
Discussion Request DR 0151 - Amending Generator Unit ID and Generation Unit ID Documentation update - no change to the schema Correcting past inconsistencies in the use of two similarly-named data items: Generator Unit ID and Generation Unit ID Generation Unit ID is a field that appears on various market messages, and is also a legacy data value Generator Unit ID is an SEM data value that is one of three different values that may be stored in the Generation Unit ID field in different circumstances DR 151 proposes documentation amendments to previously-issued MCRs: Minor supporting text changes to MCRs: 060, 066, 077, 094, 095, 096, 097, 132, 134 Re-issue of MCRs containing changes to message definitions: 112, 120, 143 33
Discussion Request DR 0117 - Proposal to add Acceptance, Completion and Cancellation messages to Meter Works design Version 3 circulated which includes 131 message for Special Read Request and addition of ARIS versions of MPDs and 131 message Approval requested 34
Market Change Request MCR 152 – Vulnerable Customers Phase 3 Remaining Schema Changes to support additional customer attributes and include these attributes on 010, 013, 016, 017, 101, 105, 114 and 116 messages MCR circulated – 07.09.07 Approval requested 35
Market Change Request MCR 155 - Corrections to ARIS Market Message Structures Ensure consistency between ARIS and the schema Issued to the market on 5th October Approval requested 36
Market Change Request MCR 0130 – Extra validation check required at creation of 306 and 307 messages Re-issued to the market Approval requested 37
Market Change Request MCR 0154 – Versioning of the 341 Question raised – How will the MCR handle version numbers for import and export data Proposed Solutions Preferred Solution - Provide a separate Version Number for both Import and Export Channels This will require a new Channel Type Flag at the MPRN Level Build a new message 342 for Export data only and use 341 for import data only Scenario Channel Type Flag (Export/ Import) Import Ver No. Export Ver No. Start Point 05 02 New Exp Data E 03 New Imp Data I 06 38
Action Item 41 – QH to QH meter replacement Proposed Process 1. NT replaces QH meter with another QH or removes a QH meter 2. PDS update MV90 (normally be same day on foot of NT phone call) 3. PDS send an e-mail to MRSO cc MD.DBASE@esb.ie with the details shown (template below) 4. Database contact local area to ask them to Finish the call in Areas 5. MRSO time slice the profile allocation for the MPRN 6. MD database update SAP. The 331 meter works market message issues. 7. MD Database advise MRSO to re-allocate profile 8. MRSO re-allocate the profile 9. Paper CX arrives in MD database 10. MD database verify that it matches the details already entered (see notes 2 and 3 below). 11. MD database notify PDS if any discrepancy 39
Action Item 41 – QH to QH meter replacement (contd.) Notes: A new QH meter may be installed some time before it registers consumption: No profile will be allocated to the meter SAP will not look for consumption from that meter. A profile is allocated to the meter on the first day that it registers consumption. LV to MV changeover: total site consumption shared between a new meter and an old meter during changeover. The 'date of exchange' will be the first date that the new meter registers consumption The total consumption will be allocated to the new meter from that date. (In SAP the profile will be reallocated from that date also.) The paper CX will show an earlier date of installation for the new meter. Simultaneous changes of CT and/or VT ratios will also be advised on the template. 40
Prioritisation of MCRs/DRs for next schema release 5 market participants have responded Top MCRs/DRs DR 117 - Proposal to add Acceptance, Completion and Cancellation messages to Meter Works design MCR 0063 - Addition of New Market Message for the Provision of Reconciliation Data MCR 0127 - Decouple Connection Agreement requirement from Change of Supplier where MIC >=100kVA and there is no Change of Legal Entity 41
Prioritisation of MCRs/DRs for next schema release Others MCR 0152 - Vulnerable Customers - Phase 3 MCR 0062 - New rules for MPD 1 - CoS MCR 0087 - Exchanged Meter Ref amendment to provide only for like for like exchanges MCR 0033 - Sending 306 for all NQH De-energisations DR 0113 - SoLR 42
Next Steps Proposed Diary dates for subsequent meetings 29.11.07 10.01.08 43
Next Steps Propose to continue with conference call every two weeks – proposed dates - 01.11.2007 15.11.2007 Call details have new contingency PIN No: Number: 01-6647602 PIN : 77640 Contingency number remains: 01-6647777 New PIN: 80490 44
Thank You 45