Canterbury College Leadership development Module 2: ways of working + meetings
Values This programme is about values-based management. This means a style of management, particular to Canterbury College, which turns the values into day-to-day practice. The College values are: Inclusivity and equal opportunity Raising standards Responsiveness and flexibility Respect Being purposeful
Ways of working To turn the College values into practice, we need to promote a particular style of management, expressed as ways of working. These ways of working provide the bridge between the values and day-to-day practice. The ways of working are descriptions of behaviour. We can observe them, assess them, encourage and support them. We can recruit to them.
Ways of working A sample from other workplaces Flexible Efficient Consistent Supportive Collaborative Inclusive Clear Equitable Risk-taking Informed Fair Entrepreneurial Positive Respectful Creative Motivating Forward-looking Challenging Reliable Outward-looking Honest Focused Empowering Open
Ways of working A selection chosen by Curriculum Co-ordinators Flexible Efficient Consistent Supportive Collaborative Inclusive Clear Equitable Risk-taking Informed Fair Entrepreneurial Positive Respectful Creative Motivating Forward-looking Challenging Organised Outward-looking Honest Focused Empowering Open
Summary The ways of working in the previous slide should result in a style of management which mirrors the College values, and guarantees a team of Co-ordinators who are: Ethical Efficient Collaborative Progressive
Ways of working - what they mean in practice Clear Think about the level of detail needed for staff to take on a project and make decisions themselves Honest Share the facts and also discuss the implications for staff Empowering Help staff think through what to do and how to do it, rather than just tell them what to do Entrepreneurial Use creative thinking techniques in team meetings and encourage experimentation Positive Focus in 1:1 meetings on what’s worked well rather than what hasn’t
Features of collaborative working Build the highest creative consensus from differing points of view Focus on process – how, as much as product – what Consult and involve others to maximise diversity of in-put Promote ‘cabinet responsibility’ – once a decision is made, everyone backs it Avoid compromising down to the lowest common denominator Encourage participation, engagement and new ideas Ensure authority and responsibility are delegated in equal measure Be open + clear with information so staff are empowered to act for themselves
The re-enforcing relationship between collaborative working, diversity and creativity
Authority and responsibility Working across the line-management hierarchy Without the authority to make things happen For example, you working with colleagues 1, 2 and 3 X Colleague 1 X Colleague 3 X You X Colleague 2