Two things to think of as we start. Third Year English Date: Two things to think of as we start. One in six adults in Ireland are not functionally literate. They are unable to understand or use what they come across in the world. Right now you learn the basics of what you need for the Leaving Cert. This year affects that exam and your choices in the future. To live in this ever changing world, you need to engage, understand and use what you come across. That is English.
Third Year English Date: General schedule of the class 5-10 minutes warm-up – get your head in the place it needs to be for the task. Reading, writing, note taking – with a clear and direct link to the Exam. 5 minute cool-down, questions, homework (homework should never take more than 10-15 min)
Third Year English Date: Last thing before we start: Journals Always have an A4 pad and Pen. Use your folders. (Fiction, drama, poetry, writing – organise folder weekly) A small copy/journal as a reading reflective journal
Warm-up – mind maps Some books are big, bulky and scary things that are not very exam-focused. That is why your copies and notes are your greatest allies in this subject. Them and MINDMAPS! As a warm-up, I want you to make a mind-map of you summer vacation.
Warm-up – mind maps Fact Fact Fact Heading Fact Fact Heading NAME Headings: Things like holidays, exams, news, water issues, Trump, activities, etc Fact Fact Fact Heading Fact Fact Heading NAME Heading Fact Fact Heading Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact Note to me, do sample on board of my summer.
Warm-up – mind maps Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact Heading Heading Fact NAME Headings: Things like holidays, exams, news, water issues, Trump, activities, etc Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact Heading Heading Fact NAME Fact Heading Heading Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact
Warm-up Back to school survey I get to use it to personalise the lessons for you. You get to use it to consider your own identity. It is something to talk about with others later as well.
Checklist The Junior Cert paper at the end of the year asks for three things: Respond to unfamiliar texts, Respond to familiar texts and Write in a variety of forms. You shall be well prepared if you can write a page on and tick each of the following.
Novels Story/plot Conflict Characters/relationships Setting Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and Once by Morris Glietzman Here are the areas you need to be able to talk about concerning fiction. Story/plot Conflict You of course need to know what happens. Good-evil, right-wrong, healthy to know both sides. Characters/relationships Setting Who is important in the story and why? Where is it and does that affect the people? Themes Language What lessons do we learn from the story? How do the people speak? How do you like it? Key Moments Images Where in the book do we learn these lessons? What sticks with you? If this were a movie poster..... Your personal opinion What do you think about all this? This is the most important question of all.
Drama Story/plot Conflict Characters/relationships Setting Romeo and Juliet by W. Shakespeare and a drama extract (West Side Story) Here are the areas you need to be able to talk about concerning Drama. Story/plot Conflict You of course need to know what happens. Good-evil, right-wrong, healthy to know both sides. Characters/relationships Setting Who is important in the story and why? Where is it and does that affect the people? Themes Language What lessons do we learn from the story? How do the people speak? How do you like it? Key Moments Stage Directions Where in the book do we learn these lessons? If you were organising a play...... Your personal opinion What do you think about all this? This is the most important question of all.
Poetry Being able to talk about the form, language, imagery, rhyme and themes of: The City – C. B. Cavafy Lament for Lucy – W. Wordsworth Mid-term Break – S. Heaney New Digging – S. Heaney To my Valentine – Ogden Nash Dulce et Decorum – Wilfred Owen Tich Miller – Wendy Cope Base Details – Seigfried Sassoon Follower – Seamus Heaney When you are old – W.B. Yeats The Lake Isle Of Innis Free – W.B. Yeats The Wild Swans at Coole – W.B. Yeats Preferably two more.
Writing Short story Speech Dairy entry Anecdote You’ll have to express yourself, organise your ideas and show passion by: Short story Speech Dairy entry Anecdote Letters (formal and informal) Review Interview Blog Article Flyer/poster (media studies) Also know Grammar and media studies definitions.
Week schedule 2 days – Fiction – Once (Comparing it to M.a.M) 2 days – Drama - Romeo and Juliet (in-depth) 1 day – Poetry – new poems
Homework And the homework is........
Homework And the homework is........ Make sure you have a pen and pad.
I think...... I know...... I don’t know........ Cooldown A man you says he does not know something is smarter than a man who thinks he does.