Seven Wonders Karen Lamas
The Hanging Gardens Where: -The Hanging Gardens are located on the east bank of the Euphrates River and south of Baghdad, Iraq. The Hanging Gardens What: -They are gardens that are hanging above ground level, supported by stone columns. How: -King Nebuchadnezzar was the king who is originally said to have built the Hanging Gardens to please his wife. Why: -I consider it a wonder because I think that the stories or legends about it are "romantic" because the King had it made for his wife so she wouldn't leave him to go back to her home.
Stonehenge Where: It is located on the Southern region of the United Kingdom in the county of Wiltshire. Stonehenge What: It is a megalithic monument the could have been used for rituals and sacrifices. How: Nobody really knows for sure how it was built or who built it because it was made along time ago. It was made using rock. The outer ring consists of sarsen sandstone slabs that hail from local quarries, but the inner ring is made up of smaller rocks called bluestones. Why: I find Stonehenge to be a forgotten wonder because nobody really knows for sure how it got there or what it was used for. There are many speculations that it was used for 'contact with aliens'.
The Northern Lights A.K.A Aurora Borealis Where: The northern lights are located in the northern part of the world, in places such as Alaska, Canada, Finland, Norway. Usually located in high north altitudes. What: They are also called aurora borealis. The northern lights are like a “a rainbow at night.” The Northern Lights A.K.A Aurora Borealis Why: I believe it is a wonder because it is described as “flowing ribbons, sky-filling swirls, otherworldly glow, and gossamer veils.” I Just find it wonderful how the northern lights were interpreted for many years. It scared people, many thought that their dead relatives were speaking to them through the lights and others thought it was the “dancing souls” of animals. How: The northern lights are made due to the Earth’s magnetism and the Sun.
The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is located on the north-east coast of Australia. It is almost parallel to the Queensland coast. It is between 15 kilometers and 150 kilometers off shore. It is the mating place for humpback whales and habitant of green sea turtles and the sea cow. It is the largest coral reefs in the world. The Australian government made it into a protected marine park. It has vivid coral providing divers with a spectacular underwater experience imaginable. The Great Barrier Reef is nature made. It is a natural Wonder. I consider it a wonder because it just looks so beautiful and full of underwater life. It looks so much peaceful.
The Belize barrier Reef Where: What How: Why:
Where: How: Iguacu Falls What Why:
Where: Taj Mahal What How: Why: