Arizona Public University Grants & Scholarships Paying 4 College
Academic Merit Scholarships Primarily awarded based on GPA, Class Rank and SAT/ACT test scores. Awarded primarily to first time incoming Freshman Can be cheaper to attend university than community college over a 4 year period. Not competitive, predictable to earn. Students can re-test for higher SAT/ACT scores or take additional classes/retake classes to increase merit scholarship potential. Often can be “stacked” with private scholarships and/or grant programs.
Arizona State University ASU Scholarship Estimator - Additional ASU Scholarship resources - Obama Scholars Program – College Attainment Grant - attainment-grant-program T.W. Lewis Foundation (Honors College) - ASU Leadership Scholarship - (Must be nominated by student advisement office- see your student advisor if interested) Raise.Me -
Northern Arizona University Lumberjack scholarship – 100% of tuition scholars-course-requirements/ NAU scholarship resources - Types/Scholarships/ NAU first scholars - $5,000 per year renewable for 4 years total. Net-Price Calculator - (all universities are required to have a net price calculator available to the public on their website.)
University of Arizona Wildcat of Excellence Merit Scholarships - Flinn Semi-finalist and National Merit Semi-finalist – “Stackable” Foster Care to Success award – Covers full tuition. Students must apply and be eligible through Foster Care to Success (FC2S) portal Dean’s Distinction Award – “Stackable” for excelling in Honors/AP Scholarship Universe – UofA’s private scholarship portal (usually stackable) AZ Assurance - assurance-program Baird Scholarship (Honors College) – Must apply through Scholarship University – Due in November.
Earn to Learn Savings Program Students save $500, universities match with $4000. Deadline in November, reapply each year. FAFSA eligible student (US citizen or eligible non-citizen) Meet household income requirements (varies by household size) Planning to attend full-time at ASU, UofA or NAU.
TEACH Grant The TEACH Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete course work needed to begin a career in teaching. You must serve as a full-time teacher for a total of at least four academic years within eight years after you complete or otherwise cease to be enrolled in the program(s) for which you received TEACH Grant funds. You must perform the teaching service as a highly qualified teacher at a low-income school or educational service agency. Your teaching service must be in a high-need field. Available at ASU, UofA and NAU.
Homa and Irene Wood Foundation Scholarship The Homa and Irene Wood Foundation offers scholarships up to $5,000 for students attending an Arizona college or university. The scholarship is renewable to students who continue to exhibit the same levels of academic and personal achievement upon which their original award was granted. For more information and last year’s application Click Here 3.2 GPA, 1000 on SAT or 20 on ACT, FAFSA eligible. Due in early March most years. Students can pick up applications in early February from the student advisement office.
Dorrance Scholarship First generation to attend college (neither parent/step-parent, living or deceased, or legal guardian holds a four year degree from any country) Minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA (weighted or unweighted) Minimum combined SAT score of 1120 OR composite ACT score of 22 (excluding writing score in both instances) Admitted to one of Arizona’s three residential public universities (Arizona State University-Tempe, Northern Arizona University- Flagstaff, University of Arizona-Tucson) Demonstrated financial need ( – Completed by Jan. 15 Demonstrated leadership and volunteer service Awarded up to $12,000 annually and international travel experiences
Flinn Foundation Scholarship Program The Flinn Scholarship Program provides an unparalleled package for undergraduate study at an Arizona public university for 20 of Arizona’s highest-achieving high school seniors each year. The merit-based scholarship program, covers the cost of tuition, fees, room and board and at least two study-abroad experiences. The overall financial package is valued at more than $115,000. Flinn Scholars benefit from working with top faculty and researchers, meeting business and civic leaders in their field, and forming their own community and alumni network. Requirements to apply: 3.5 GPA, top 5% of class, 29 on ACT or 1360 on SAT. Arizona resident for 2 years, US citizen or lawful permanent resident.