Figure 5. ALK2 Is Expressed in All MIS Target Tissues Levels of ALK2, ALK6, and MISRII mRNAs were measured in embryonic mouse urogenital ridges (A) and gonads (B) at various fetal ages by RNase protection assay. For staging of fetuses, refer to Materials and Methods. C, In situ hybridization analysis shows expression and localization of ALK2 mRNA in the urogenital ridge in an E13 male mouse. A transversal hematoxylin-eosin-stained section of the lower body is shown (left panel) along with a darkfield view (right panel). Sites of ALK2 expression are indicated by white arrows. Abbreviations for structures are as follows: A, adrenal; L, liver; T, testis, and M, the Müllerian duct as outlined by a white broken circle in left panel. The scale bar in the left panel equals 100 μm. D, Adult testis (T) and adult ovary (O) levels of ALK2, ALK6, and MISRII mRNAs were measured by RNase protection assay. GAPD mRNA measurements were included as a control for RNA loading. From: The Serine/Threonine Transmembrane Receptor ALK2 Mediates Müllerian Inhibiting Substance Signaling Mol Endocrinol. 2001;15(6):936-945. doi:10.1210/mend.15.6.0645 Mol Endocrinol | Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 3. Smad5 Is Involved in MIS Signaling A, The TLX2-Lux reporter construct and MISRII expression vector were transfected into P19 cells with (+) or without (−) wild-type Smad5, wild-type Smad2. Transcriptional activity was measured after overnight incubation with conditioned medium (open bars) or bioactive MIS (closed bars), and normalized for transfection efficiency. In each transfection, equal amounts of DNA were transfected by adjusting with empty expression vector. Data are presented as mean ± sd of triplicates. B, MIS-induced activity of the TLX2-Lux reporter was measured with (+) or without (−) MISRII in increasing amounts of mutant Smad5–2SA, or mutant Smad2–2SA (10, 50, 100 ng/well). Data are expressed as fold induction of luciferase activity measured in the presence of bioactive MIS over activity measured in the presence of conditioned medium. From: The Serine/Threonine Transmembrane Receptor ALK2 Mediates Müllerian Inhibiting Substance Signaling Mol Endocrinol. 2001;15(6):936-945. doi:10.1210/mend.15.6.0645 Mol Endocrinol | Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 2. Dose-Dependent Activation of TLX2-Lux by MIS P19 cells were transiently transfected with TLX2-Lux reporter and MISRII. Cells were incubated overnight with increasing concentrations of bioactive MIS ligand (refer to Materials and Methods for quantitation). To control for potential activating factors present in conditioned medium, each assay point was normalized with control conditioned medium. Luciferase activity was determined in triplicate. From: The Serine/Threonine Transmembrane Receptor ALK2 Mediates Müllerian Inhibiting Substance Signaling Mol Endocrinol. 2001;15(6):936-945. doi:10.1210/mend.15.6.0645 Mol Endocrinol | Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 1. MIS Induces MISRII-Dependent Transcription of the Tlx2 Reporter Gene in P19 Cells A, P19 cells were transiently transfected with an activin-responsive (A3-Lux) or BMP-responsive (TLX2-Lux) reporter gene together with the indicated type II receptors. Cells were incubated overnight in the presence of conditioned medium (CM, open bars) or bioactive MIS (closed bars). The relative luciferase activity was measured in cell lysates and normalized toβ -galactosidase activity. Data are given as mean ± sd of triplicates and are representative of at least three independent experiments. B, P19 cells were transiently transfected with TLX2-Lux reporter and wild type-MISRII, kinase-inactive MISRII (MISRII-KR) or a combination of wild-type and mutant MISRII in a 1:1 ratio of expression plamids. From: The Serine/Threonine Transmembrane Receptor ALK2 Mediates Müllerian Inhibiting Substance Signaling Mol Endocrinol. 2001;15(6):936-945. doi:10.1210/mend.15.6.0645 Mol Endocrinol | Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 4. ALK2 Transduces MIS Responses A, P19 cells were transiently transfected with TLX2-Lux reporter and MISRII expression vector, either in the absence or presence of type I receptors (ALK1–6). Data are expressed as a percent of the maximum induction observed with transfection of MISRII alone, in the presence of MIS. The fold induction (+MIS over −MIS) is indicated above every bar. B, TLX2-Lux was transfected into P19 cells with MISRII, or MISRII together with increasing concentrations (10, 50, 100 ng/well) of kinase-inactive ALK2 (ALK2-KR) or kinase-inactive ALK6 (ALK6-KR). Data are expressed as fold induction as described in legend to Fig. 3. C, TLX2-Lux was transfected together with MISRII, ALK2 or MISRII, and ALK2 expression vectors. Cells were stimulated overnight with conditioned medium (CM; open bars), inactive (noncleavable) MIS (MIS-RAGA; gray bars) or bioactive MIS (MIS-RARR; closed bars). The relative luciferase activity was measured in cell lysates and normalized to β-galactosidase activity. From: The Serine/Threonine Transmembrane Receptor ALK2 Mediates Müllerian Inhibiting Substance Signaling Mol Endocrinol. 2001;15(6):936-945. doi:10.1210/mend.15.6.0645 Mol Endocrinol | Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 6. Antisense ALK2 Oligomers Abrogate MIS Signaling in P19 Cells and in Urogenital Ridges A, P19 cells were treated for 3 h with morpholino antisense oligomers using the special delivery system (EPEI). Cells were photographed with normal light (left panel) and with fluorescent light (right panel). Note that nearly all cells are fluorescent, indicating the efficient uptake of the fluorescent oligomer. B, Cells were transiently transfected with TLX2-Lux reporter and MISRII expression vector 24 h after treatment with antisense ALK2 oligomer (as-ALK2), mispaired ALK2 oligomer (4 m-ALK2), antisense ALK6 oligomer (as-ALK6), or delivery solution (EPEI). Luciferase activity was measured after treatment with conditioned medium (CM, black bars) or bioactive MIS (green bars), and normalized for transfection efficiency. C, Representative urogenital organ explants are shown after 3 days of culture in the presence of MIS after treatment with either an antisense ALK2 oligomer (as-ALK2), a control antisense ALK2 oligomer (4 m-ALK2), an antisense ALK6 oligomer (as-ALK6), or the delivery solution (EPEI); a persistent Müllerian duct (MD) was observed with antisense ALK2 oligomer and MIS treatment (left panel). Each condition was carried out in four independent experiments with an n = 4 or more. Also shown is a urogenital organ culture treated with ALK2 antisense and cultured for 3 days in absence of MIS (right panel). Arrows indicate the Müllerian duct (MD) and Wolffian duct (WD) in each panel and the ovary (Ov) is indicated in the far left panel. The aterisk indicates residual Müllerian duct. From: The Serine/Threonine Transmembrane Receptor ALK2 Mediates Müllerian Inhibiting Substance Signaling Mol Endocrinol. 2001;15(6):936-945. doi:10.1210/mend.15.6.0645 Mol Endocrinol | Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society