Impact of Wide Base Tires on Pavement Damage Introduction Meeting May 16, 2011
Outline Phase I Literature Review and Synthesis Accelerated Pavement Testing Modeling Framework Development of Analysis Tool Phase II Preparation of Experimental Equipment Perform Experiments Modeling Tool Development Presentations and Reports
Phase I Phase II TASK 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 University of Illinois I. Al-Qadi X J. Baek S. Chakroborty J. Kern Research Assistant Admin Assistant UC-Davis J. Harvey D. Jones RZ Wu T. Wang APT crew Florida DOT B. Choubane James Greene Delft T. Scarpas Xueyan Liu CIRS M. De Beer
MONTHS Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 TASKS Phase I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Phase II 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Literature Review and Synthesis Task Director: Imad Al-Qadi Time-Line: Months 1-3 Task: Summarize the research on wide-base tires including: Field measurements Theoretical Analysis/ modeling approaches Effect of WBT on vehicle handling, safety, tire-road noise, and environment
Accelerated Pavement Testing Task Director: John Harvey Time-Line: 3rd month Tasks: Detailed test sections and instrumentation Describe Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) program Identify in-situ APT section material characteristics
Accelerated Pavement Testing Laser beam to measure surface deformation Possible granular material deflection measurements
Modeling Framework Task Directors: Tom Scarpas/ Imad Al-Qadi Time-Line: 3rd month Task: Material characterization: Complex modulus test at various frequencies and temperatures Performance tests Cyclic test (Elasto-Visco-Plastic)
Modeling Framework (cont’d) Tire 3D contact stress measurements and load-deflection curves Tire Type Inflation Pressure (psi) Tire Loading (kips) NGWB and Dual 80 6 8 10 14 18 100 110 125 Dual Only 60/110* 80/110*
Prediction of Tire-Pavement Contact Stresses Three-dimensional model of air-inflated tire Calibration based on measured contact stresses and load-deflection curves
Finite Element Simulations Linear granular materials (interstate highways) Layer interface conditions (elastic stick model) Three-dimensional contact stresses Continuous moving load Inelastic analysis
Quantification of Pavement Damage Relation between pavement damage and pavement response using transfer functions Combined damage ratio based on logarithmic damage distribution factor
Development of Analysis Tool Task Director: John Harvey/ UIUC Time-Line: 3rd month Task: Artificial Neural Network (ANN): Based on FEM results dataset Prediction of relative damage ratios without running FEM Input for ANN: loading, tire, pavement, and environmental factors
LCCA and LCA Cost impact to road network owners as WBT use is increased Influence of WBT on maintenance and rehabilitation schedules
Implementation and Marketing Plan Task Director: Imad Al-Qadi/ John Harvey Time-Line: 2nd month Tasks: Development of a plan to implement and disseminate the findings of the project Presentation at state and national levels Website for posting online briefs, documents, and presentations?
Phase 2
Preparation of Experimental Equipment Task Director: Imad Al-Qadi/ John Harvey Time-Line: Months 5-6 Tasks: Available instrumentation and data acquisition systems Stress-in-Motion system (contact stresses and load-deflection measurement) Pavement/ mix designs
Conduct of Experiments Task Director: Bouzid Choubane, John Harvey, and Imad Al-Qadi Time-Line: Months 6-13 Tasks: Stress-in-Motion (SIM) by CSIR Material characterization (Viscoelastic and Elasto-Visco-Plastic) APT @ controlled temperatures: Rut measurements Instrumentation response
Modeling Task Director: Tom Scarpas/ Imad Al-Qadi Time-Line: Months 5-30 Task: Model development Identify critical responses in pavements Validate models w/ APT results Extend model simulations to other scenarios Create a database using obtained results
Tool Development Task Director: John Harvey/ UIUC Time-Line: Months 13-30 Deliverables: Develop a simplified Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) tool Simple and user-friendly Web-based or stand-alone package
Presentations and Reports Presentation and preparation of articles for periodicals (TRB, ASCE, AAPT, among others) Reports (All): Phase I: 3rd month? Phase II: 21st-30th month