Date of download: 12/21/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Modeling Gravity and Turbidity Currents: Computational Approaches and Challenges Appl. Mech. Rev. 2015;67(4):040802-040802-23. doi:10.1115/1.4031040 Figure Legend: Gravity current interacting with a localized seamount. The development of the current structure is visualized by a sediment concentration contour for a flat seafloor (FL—top row), a shallow seamount (B1—middle row), and a taller seamount (B2—bottom row). While the current primarily flows over the shallow seamount, it mostly flows around the taller seamount. “The shading in the bottom plane indicates the magnitude of the wall shear stress, while the vertical plane to the right depicts the concentration field in the symmetry plane z = 1.5.” Initial parameters: L = 38, l = 1, H = d = 2, and W = 3 (Reprinted with permission from Nasr-Azadani and Meiburg [55]. Copyright 2014 by Cambridge University).