By: Samantha Alegria, Bobby Prentiss, Jaylen Willis, Izabella Guerrero The Psychedelic 60’s By: Samantha Alegria, Bobby Prentiss, Jaylen Willis, Izabella Guerrero
Art of the 60’s Andy Warhol- a leading figure of a visual arts movement known as “pop-art” a type of art that explored a cross between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement that flourished in the 60’s. Mark Rothko- A Russian artist that refused to be part of any type of art movement but ended up creating “abstract art.” Jackson Pollock- an abstract artist who preferred to use anything but a paint brush, including knives, towels, and sticks to incorporate depth to his work. Created “drip paintings” made him a leading figure in abstract art.
The 26th Amendment (1971) Why was the 26th Amendment passed?- The Amendment was passed in order to lower the legal voting age from 21 to 18. Who did it affect?- The 26th Amendment affected young men who were at the age of 18. 18 was the age where men (more like boys) had to register for draft. So the boys claimed “Old enough to fight, old enough to vote” What is it?- The Amendment was made to accommodate to growing times, African Americans had been given the right to vote, women’s suffrage was long over, and now the 18-21 year old generation could also enjoy the right to vote.
Beat Generation The Beat Generation was founded by Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and Allen Ginsberg. The Beat Generation was a group of authors who explored and inspired American culture in the Post-World War II era. Most of the work became popular and was published during the 50s.
Comparison: 50’s and 60’s The 50’s were considered a decade of prosperity, conformity, and consensus, whereas the 60’s were all about turbulence, protest, and disillusionment. The 50’s were considered a prosperous era for many reasons; the U.S. was coming out of a war, the creation of suburbs sent off a big launch of everyday life. African Americans migrated from the South to the North for better job opportunities. Rich and Middle Class families moved to the suburbs in order to escape the crime, redlining, and blockbusting of the cities. Families were seen in a certain way, there was a mother, a father two children, and a pet like a dog or cat. (Nuclear Families) All the houses in suburbs were built almost identically, everyone bought the same appliances, had the same yardscape, and basically left little room for individuality.
Comparison (continued) The 60’s were completely different from the 50’s lifestyle of conformity. The worsening conditions in the cities, feminism and Vietnam sent the 60’s social and political atmosphere to become turbulent and violent. Many riots and protests broke out, influential leaders such as Malcolm X actually encouraged violent and bloody protests. Women slowly and slowly became less accepting of their “home making” positions that they were given. Because of all the protests and riots happening, many people began looking at authority in a negative way. With the white population moving to suburbs more and more, the cities were left to toil and topple over. Many African Americans began to turn to leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X; no two men could have been more different. Mr. King suggested peaceful protests while Malcolm X supported the idea of bloody, violent protesting.
Fashion of the 60s Hippy:A member of a liberal counterculture originally a youth movement that started in the united states and united kingdom during the mid 1960s and spreaded to other countries around the world-went off on their own Beatnik: A young person in the 1950s and early 1960s belonging to a subculture associated with the beat generation-into society In 1960 fashion was bi polar in every way ….. the early sixties were more reminiscent of the 1950s the late 1960s was the exact opposite.bright,swirling colors psychedelic,tie dye shirts long hair and beards were commonplace Beatnik-really didn’t care how they looked He 1960 featured a number of diverse trends. It was a decade that broke many fashion traditions, mirroring social movements during the time. In the middle of the decade, culottes, go-go boots, box-shaped
Jimi Hendrix and CSNY Jimi Hendrix crosby, stills & nash -Considered the most influential people of all time, influencing not only the youth of the 60’s, but the music industry as well. -Its said that he pioneered the 60’s music industry, making Rock what it is today with his unique play style. crosby, stills & nash -Was also very influential among the youth (mostly influenced the views of the counterculture.) -recorded a song song in response to the trial of the “chicago 7” (7 anti-war activists arrested for their role in public demonstrations, protests, and police riots in downtown Chicago.) The song is called “chicago.” -was also talented enough that their play style was able to straddle all music popular in the 60’s, making them popular among youth as well
CHUCK BERRY he was a singer, songwriter, guitarist He sang Rock n roll He began to be known in St Louis, Missouri He was the father of rock n roll
LITTLE RICHARD he was a singer and piano player He sang early rock n roll He became known in Atlanta He changed the sound of rock n roll with blues and making it his own
ELVIS PRESLEY He is and was the king of rock n roll he was a film actor and singer He signed on with RCA records He was the first white person to become famous in rock n roll
BOB DYLAN He was a singer and songwriter He sang folk, rock, and country songs He had his break through in new york
The Motown sounds were definitely unique the music was able to connect with people not only in a mental way but emotional as well to show that there is no need for racial issues it’s not about if you’re white or black if your music sounds good or not it only depends on if you’re a good artist.
The british invasion was breathtaking in the mid-19690’s whenever rock and pop acts came from the united kingdom, also with other parts of the british culture that became a big hit in the united states, as well as both sides of the Atlantic, making it a significant to adapting the counterculture.
( ) Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one The motown 60,s singers Temptations The Jackson. 5 Frankie valli Four tops Surpremes