Culture, Discourse & meaning: Research proposal online presentation Karen Henriquez (18349463)
Introduction The chosen aspect and focus is fitness; this was chosen because it depicts one of the domains of body-orientated pedagogy It persuades women into becoming fit and beautiful, through unique workout moves By this it positions social subjects into discursive formations Women being responsible for their bodies, to be self-regulated (Markula, 2001, p. 169). This is then used by models, or expert trainers to promote these discourses; to achieve the fit body (Jette, 2006, p. 337), but also for profit (p. 346). By this, it produces new social identities
Research Questions What are the discourses that produce the knowledge/power dynamics of contemporary body-orientated pedagogies of fitness training and yoga? How are social subjects positioned within/by these discursive formations?
Method Method: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) Power relations that are integrated in texts can be examined through a linguistic analyse (Mills, as cited in Jette, 2006, p. 339). Discourses within texts can be analysed and further explored through a close analysis of the written and spoken texts (Barker & Galasiński, 2001, p. 62). Therefore, through a genre, field, tenor and mode analysis of the texts selected, discourses within the texts and the power being dominated in these practices will demonstrate how social subjects are being positioned
Data Selected Texts: “The Fitness Lowdown” Magazine Article and “Arm and Shoulder Workout” YouTube Video Both these text are examples that demonstrate discourses that produce power/knowledge of body-orientated pedagogies as they both depict models or expert trainers to promote women to control their bodies to achieve success (Duncan & Klos, 2012, p. 250) But models and trainers are also being used to sell their products to consumers, which also positions social subjects within a discursive formation; that to look younger and sexier, you must follow the tips given by expertise to achieve happiness (p. 256).
Findings Through the findings of both analysis reports, both texts promote expert trainers to sell their products to women and encourage them to change their bodies, transform themselves to be as fit and beautiful as the presenter (Jette, 2006, p. 337). But gender also plays a part in discourses, for the trainers being presented are women, would this suggest an alternative form of knowledge being promoted? (Jette, 2006, p. 344). So, by women being trainers would this affect how the dimensions of tenor were analysed in the second report? Therefore, gender will be considered as it may affect how the discourses seen may produce power/knowledge differently and if women position social subjects differently than men.
Insights Discourses: Women to be happy they must conform to the norms of a healthy femininity, which includes them to self-monitor themselves and to achieve the perfect, fit body (Jette, 2006, 337). But these texts don’t only use expert knowledge to persuade and motivate women to be fit, but also to promote them to buy and consume their products (Markula, 2001, p. 167). Therefore, the final project will identify how discourses produce power/knowledge through expertise and if gender contributes to how social subjects are positioned.
References Barker, C., & Galasiński, D. (2001). Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis. London, England: SAGE Publication Ltd. Duncan, M. C., & Klos, L. A. (2014). Paradoxes of the flesh emotion and contradiction in fitness beauty magazine discourse. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 38(3), 245-262. Jette, S. (2006). Fit for two? A critical discourse analysis of oxygen fitness magazine. Sociology of Sport Journal, 23(4), 331-351. Markula, P. (2001). Beyond the perfect body women’s body image distortion in fitness magazine discourse. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 25(2), 158-179.