ELSA Development Foundation 101 Practical presentation
EDF / Basics The Concept National Groups contribute a certain percentage of their General Sponsorship income to the ELSA Development Foundation. National Groups can apply for funding for an event out of the ELSA Development Foundation. National Groups can also apply on behalf of Local Groups. Limitation to the funding: 94% of income. 6% of General Sponsorship income from International Contacts (law firms active in more than 4 countries, or, if it’s not a law firm, a company active in more than 8 countries) and 2.5% of General Sponsorship income from National Contacts (sponsors that are not International Contacts). What kind of events can be funded will be explained later. Limitation to the funding, because 6% of the income will be put aside to the EDF Capital
The Administration Separate legal entity Separate Board of Directors EDF / Basics The Administration Separate legal entity Separate Board of Directors Separate Board Meetings Chaired by the Treasurer of ELSA International Board of Directors decides to grant funding for the event or not Chairman judges the report afterwards and pays out the grant if the report is okay The ELSA Development Foundation is a seperate legal entity: a foundation registered in Belgium. The EDF has a separate Board of Directors: the members of the International Board. EDF Meetings are held seperately from regular Board Meetings of ELSA International. The Treasurer of ELSA International is the Chairman of EDF
What? – Modes of Support Project Support EDF / Basics What? – Modes of Support Project Support Events constituting a core activity of ELSA Internal Meeting Support Organising an Internal Meeting (IPM, SAM, KAM, ICM) Training Support Training events or events incorporating training sessions (only if it is in English) Network Support Established cooperations between NGs Expenses of NB members to ICMs Events constituting an activity for officers of ELSA The EDF may be used to support the following events and activities: Project Support (A.1) Financial assistance for events constituting a core activity of ELSA. (B) Internal Meeting Support (B.1) Financial assistance for organizing International Council Meetings, International Presidents Meeting, Key Area Meeting or Supporting Area Meeting (C) Training Support (C.1) Financial assistance for international and national training events, or events incorporating training sessions, organised to increase awareness of ELSA, or dealing in specific ELSA areas, which is catered towards an audience at least half of whom are not from the country of the organising National or Local Group. (C.2) Travel and/or accommodation expenses of trainers for training events or sessions organised by National Groups or Local Groups. (C.3) Travel and/or accommodation expenses of National Board members for training sessions organised by ELSA International, National Groups or Local Groups. Training support will be granted only to events and sessions delivered in English. (D) Network Support (D.1) Financial assistance for established cooperation between National Groups within the Network Support System (NSS). (D.2) Travel and/or accommodation expenses of National Board member to Statutory Meetings. (D.3) Financial assistance for events constituting an activity for officers of ELSA.
What? - Examples In 2014/2015 27 applications: 7 Summer Law Schools EDF / Basics What? - Examples In 2014/2015 27 applications: 7 Summer Law Schools 2 Study Visits 2 Seminars/Conferences (1 with IFP topic) 1 ELSA Day 15 Others In 2015/2016 19 applications: 5 ELSA Law Schools 4 Study Visits 5 Seminars/Conferences 5 Others Please mention that if they have another initiative, they should feel free to apply. This is just an example. In 2014/2015 it says Summer Law Schools and not ELSA Law Schools, because that term was not yet introduced back then. The 12 Others for 2014/2015 are (not included above, because not interesting for Key Areas, although maybe RR EMC2): 1 RR EMC2 1 Alumni Evening 2 NCMs 3 International Internal Meetings 4 Travels of NB members to ICM 4 Trainers The 5 Others for 2015/2016 are: 1 MCC 1 International Internal Meeting 1 Trainer 2 Travels of NB members to ICM
How much? Up to 1.000 EUR. EDF will only compensate losses. EDF / Basics How much? Up to 1.000 EUR. EDF will only compensate losses. Unrestricted: can be used for anything. Restricted: limited to a specific purpose. i.e. travels / accommodation of speakers, meals, accommodation of participants etc. The 1.000 EUR is not regulated anywhere, but it is common practice If an event made a profit, EDF will not pay out. EDF will also not pay more than the loss that was made. Board of Directors decides if a granted amount is restricted or unrestricted. The reason we can have for restricting the amount is that we want the OC to focus on something specific. Example: if we decide to give a grant for a conference on environmental law, we can grant them a restricted amount only to be used for travels for speakers on environmental law.
How? – Option 1 Application before the event, including: A budget EDF / Basics How? – Option 1 Application before the event, including: A budget Activity plan Timetable for the event Decision by Board of Directors of EDF Report after the event, including: Financial realisation Receipts! Decision by the Chairman of EDF to accept the report Payment Application before the event needs to include a budget. Timetable for the event would be very nice in order to get a better insight into the event. Decision by Board of Directors (make clear that they can also decide not to grant anything) Report needs to include all the receipts! Chairman will most likely accept the report, unless it really looks like there is something wrong
How? – Option 2 Application after the event, including: EDF / Basics How? – Option 2 Application after the event, including: Financial realisation Receipts! Timetable for the event Decision by Board of Directors of EDF Payment Application needs to include all the receipts! Decision by Board of Directors (make clear that they can also decide not to grant anything)
How? - Comparison Apply before Apply after EDF / Basics How? - Comparison Apply before You already know beforehand if you will get the money or not. More work for applicant and EDF administrators. Might be work for nothing if in the end it turns out that the event makes a profit. Apply after You do not know beforehand if you will get the money. Less work for applicant and EDF administrators. You already know if you made a loss or not, so you will know if it makes sense to apply.
When? – Application cycles EDF / Basics When? – Application cycles The EDF granting timeline is divided in four cycles After the end of a cycle, the Board of Directors has two weeks to take a decision After the decision has been made, the Board of Directors has one week to let the applicant know about the decision
When? – Application cycles EDF / Basics When? – Application cycles For every event, it is possible to apply in 4 cycles: 2 cycles before the opening of the event The cycle in which the event is opened 1 cycle after the cycle in which the event is opened Cycle deadlines: 30th of September 2016 31st of December 2016 14th of April 2017 30th of June 2017 Possibly explain this with a drawing on a flipchart or something Give examples with different dates