The Morality of the Ten Commandments


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Presentation transcript:

The Morality of the Ten Commandments What Can the Ten Commandments Teach Us About Living A Moral Life?

The Ten Commandments as a Moral Code At first glance, the Ten Commandments seem to be extremely negative, with the many “shall nots,” “do nots” and “cannots” restricting human activities. Instead, the Ten Commandments are meant to free human beings for other activities. In this way, the Ten Commandments are similar to the restriction of the Garden of Eden, which freed humanity to try a vast variety of different trees. It is up to human beings to see what is possible, instead of focusing on what is not possible.

“I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before me.” Do I honestly have faith in God, and place God at the center of my life? Are my priorities material things, work, school or things not related to God?

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” Do I choose not to take the Lord’s name in vain, or do I use it for drama? Do I choose not to use offensive language? Do I use offensive language because other people use it in conversation or in the media?

“Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Sabbath day.” Do I attend church or religious services on the weekend? Do I spend time in positive activities, take a rest and not obsess or work extra hours (not scheduled)? Do I have a chance to share time with family or enjoy God’s gifts, such as nature, family dinner, music or reading?

“Honor your father and mother.” Do I speak of, and to, my parents with respect? Do I spend time with them and offer them help? Do I show respect, honesty and healthy communication patterns toward my parents, grandparents and family?

“You shall not kill.” Do I avoid the negative influence of watching violent behavior in television or movies? Do I glorify violence? Do I believe in abortion, euthanasia or capital punishment (“the Death Penalty?”) Do I wish harm to others?

“You shall not commit adultery.” Have I been unfaithful in body? Have I chosen to use pornography or otherwise participated in virtual or real online relationships outside of marriage? Have I cheated on my boyfriend? Have I used God’s gift of sexuality in a spirit of experimentation? Have I used sex to get something I wanted?

“You shall not steal.” Have I ever taken something from another person without them knowing? Have I ever cheated, on a test, on a boyfriend, on a family member? Have I ever seen someone stealing and not said anything?

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Do I speak untruths about other people? Do I spread rumors? Do I gossip about people? Do I speak behind people’s back? Do I lift myself up by putting others down? When an untruth is being spoken, do I stand up for that person?

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s spouse.” Do I think of my spouse as my one and only lover? Do I accept all aspects of my spouse? Do I wish my spouse was more like other people? Do I lust after or obsess over other people?

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods and possessions.” Am I grateful for the life I have? Am I grateful for the family I have? Am I grateful for the home I have? Am I grateful for the faith I have? Am I jealous of others’ things or good fortune? Do I obsess over what I don’t have?

The Ten Commandments as a Way of Life The Ten Commandments are a reference point to teach life lessons. Commandments 1, 2 and 3 explain the balanced relationship between people and God. Commandment 4 explains the balanced relationship between generations. Commandments 5, 6, 7 and 8 explain the balanced relationship between people within a community. Commandments 9 and 10 explain the balanced relationship between healthy and unhealthy desires within an individual. The Ten Commandments become the raw material that both children and adults can use to learn how to behave in balance and grow in maturity.