Lord’s resistance army: Origins, objectives, and doctrines By: Aime Sankoh
Background Socioeconomic divide between the north and south of Uganda since independence in 1962 Northern, Acholi leaders governed Uganda until 1986 when President Obote was overthrown by National Resistance Army Acholi people feared being targets of retribution
Origins Formed in 1987 by Joseph Kony Emerged in response to President Museveni’s (southerner) control of the government Continuation of the Holy Spirit Movement Collection of fighters from HSM, Uganda People’s Defense Army, and other rebellion factions
Objectives LRA controlled, theocratic government in Uganda based on the Ten Commandments Purified Acholi society, Acholi must be cleansed in order to save them Control of the Acholi people. Tactics rely mostly on fear and violence
Doctrines Christianity: Ten Commandments, Kony is a prophet sent from God , LRA teachers are spreading God’s message Islam: No working on Fridays, periods of fasting coinciding with Ramadan, and bowing your head during prayer Acholi-based traditions: Aimed at finding the solution to a troubled moral order