Welcome to English Class with Mrs. Sapontzis 2017-2018
How can you contact me? I can be reached at IHA between the hours of 7:30 and 2:30. **Please Note: Any email sent after 2:30 may not be read until the next work day. Email address: csapontzis@ihanj.com
Materials Needed A charged laptop Books/E-texts of literature 1 Notebook and 1 Folder specifically for English class Pen and pencil; paper No food or drinks (bottled water permitted)
Assignments Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Homework is posted on the Powerschool web site and announced in class. Be sure to check the “Assignment” section daily. Assignments are posted by due date. Vocabulary work is completed through Sadlier. All assignments MUST be original work! Make choices that reflect integrity and commitment to your work.
Grading Tests/Essays: 40% Quizzes: 25% Homework: 20% Class Participation: 15%
Missing Assignments If you are absent on the day of a test, immediately email me to schedule a time to make up the test. It is your responsibility to make these arrangements with me. Anyone who does not make up a test within one class cycle (6 day cycle) will receive a grade of 0%. A reading check or vocabulary quiz will be made up on the day you return to class. Check the website from home if you are absent.
Essays If you are absent on the day an essay is due, electronically submit the paper via email or Drop Box by 2:00 pm on the due date. An essay grade will receive a 3 point deduction for EACH CALENDAR DAY that it is late. All essays will be submitted to Turn it In. In addition, submit either a printed copy at the beginning of class OR upload to Drop Box. Essays will be graded according to the rubric posted on my webpage. Most essays will be returned within 2 weeks.
Class Heading for Formal Work All compositions must follow MLA style and be double spaced using Times New Roman 12-pt. font. For compositions longer than one page, be sure your name is included in the upper right corner of each subsequent page. Staple your final paper before submitting it. The first page must include the following MLA heading in the upper left corner: Your first and last name Mrs. Sapontzis English I Date
What if you need additional help? As soon as you are struggling with an assignment, please make an appointment with me. An extra help session or conference can be scheduled with me after school Monday-Thursday from 2 to 2:30. Additionally, the Writing Center is staffed throughout the day and after school if you need guidance with any written assignment.
English I Summer Reading There will be a 45 minute writing prompt about one of the Summer Reading books given on Day 2 in English class Bring 5 x 7 index cards with notes on the day of your Summer Reading Assignment You will be asked to write an essay about your summer reading book selection.
Grading for Summer Reading ✔ (a check) indicates the assignment is completed, but you have not provided enough information +1 indicates you have demonstrated a solid comprehension of the novel +2 indicates you have demonstrated a superior, in-depth analysis of the novel
Let’s make this a great year! “We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” --J.K Rowling (from Very Good Lives) “All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen.” --Roald Dahl (from Matilda)