Thursday 9/10 Describe the circumstances that you believe inspired the following poem. You do not need to copy the poem. Heap high the board with plenteous.


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Presentation transcript:

Thursday 9/10 Describe the circumstances that you believe inspired the following poem. You do not need to copy the poem. Heap high the board with plenteous cheer, and gather to the feast, and toast the sturdy Pilgrim band, whose courage never ceased.

Seeking Religious Freedom Chapter 3, Section 5

Religion in Europe: 1500s Protestant Reformation Divided Europe into Protestants & Catholics Led to fierce wars Established church: a nation’s chosen religion Persecution: mistreatment of people because of their beliefs

Anglican Church Separatists Protestant England’s established church Known as Church of England Group of persecuted people in England Protestant but not Anglican Wanted to separate from Church of England Became known as Pilgrims Separatists

Separatists Leave England Some moved to Netherlands in early 1600s Worshipped freely Missed English way of life Some returned to England Received charter to set up colony in New World September 1620: 102 people set sail on Mayflower

Arrival in America November 1620 Landed in Massachusetts Named settlement Plymouth

Mayflower Compact Wrote Mayflower Compact Signed by all men aboard Established unity & laws for the good of the colony as a whole Established representative government

William Bradford Governor Led Plymouth for 36 years!

Early Hardships Arrived in winter Low food supply No time to build adequate shelter Almost half died of starvation & disease

Mayflower: Deconstructed

Extra Videos Not Used Wampanoag at Plymouth English at Plymouth Plymouth: America the Story of Us

Sites This Day in History Article Plymouth Website Plymouth Website