“Respect, Opportunity, Excellence” J.C. Roe Center “Respect, Opportunity, Excellence”
The Mission of the J.C. Roe Center The J.C. Roe Center will promote positive academic, social, and behavioral changes so that students can experience future success in their schools and community.
Our Core Beliefs at J.C. Roe All students will be treated with dignity and respect. All students will be taught the skills and behaviors necessary for success. Positive relationships and interactions are essential to student growth. Parents, teachers, students, and the community will share the responsibility for the development of strong community and personal values. Students will take responsibility for their role in the learning process. Students will develop critical thinking skills that will enable them to make sound decisions concerning their future.
J.C. Roe Center – School Structure J.C. Roe is one school that houses three distinct programs. The Turning Point Program educates students who are serving a long-term suspension from their district school. The Choices Program provides an alternative educational setting for students who are serving a 5 to 10 day short-term suspension from their district school. The Transition Program serves students who are in need of a transition period before they re-enter the traditional school setting.
Key Components of The Turning Point Program Creating a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) where school-wide and individual behavioral expectations are established. Students will be taught desired behaviors and rewarded for meeting their goals through a point system. Establishing a Social-Emotional Curriculum which will include developing social skills, emotional skills, and desirable character traits through appropriate lessons, restorative practices, and service learning. Developing clear exit criteria based upon improving behavior, academic performance, and attendance. This will include an exit project completed by each student that will address the following: recognition of behaviors that led to their placement, skills they have learned at J.C. Roe to change past behaviors, and development of short term and long term goals for the future. Following up with students once they return to their district school to monitor progress and reduce recidivism.
Key Components of The Choices Program Establishing a system of clear communication with district schools on the referral process, program expectations, and logistics. Creating clear program goals and expectations for those attending the program. Developing a point system for attendance, compliance, and effort while in the program. Addressing behaviors through a variety of tools including the ABE system, self-behavioral analysis, goal setting, and counseling. All of this information will be shared with the district school. Assuring that students stay current on all assignments from their district school. Creating an environment that deters repeat offenders and possible future long term placement. Developing a working relationship with district schools to potentially reduce suspension days with the successful completion of the Choices Program.
Key Components of the Transition Program Establishing effective communication with outside agencies. Creating a clear and effective referral process for district schools. Developing effective student assessments to determine the length of their placements and future needs. Implementing re-entry plans for each student’s transition back to the traditional school setting. Eliciting the continuous involvement and support of the Exceptional Children’s Department.