ECONOMIC ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Economic Administration Division in the D/o Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare deals with all administrative & financial matters relating to the Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES) and the Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP); Finalization of BE, RE and Re-appropriation of funds relating to Plan Schemes/ Non-Plan expenditure of DES and CACP; Release of funds in four quarterly installments under following components of the Plan Scheme namely “Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Census and Statistics” implemented by DES: Improvement of Agricultural Statistics (IAS), Studies on Inputs for Agricultural Economic Policy and Development (SIAEP&D), Forecasting Agriculture Output Using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land Based Observations (FASAL)
DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), an attached office, is headed by Senior Economic & Statistical Adviser. DES collects, disseminates and publishes statistics on diverse facets of agriculture and related sectors required for policy formulation by the Government. Major Divisions of DES : (i) Cost of Cultivation (ii) Land Use Statistics / Special Data dissemination Standards (iii) Commercial Crops (iv) Food Export (v) Coordination (vi) Prices & Marketing (vii) National Crops Forecasting Centre (viii) Agro Economic Research (ix) Agricultural statistics. Over the years, a number of initiatives have been taken by DES to bring about improvement in the coverage, quality and timely availability of agricultural statistics.
RE / Revised alloca-tion Funds released during 2015-16 BE and RE 2015-16 (Rs. in Lakhs) Name of Scheme BE 2015-16 RE / Revised alloca-tion Funds released during 2015-16 Improvement of Agricultural Statistics (IAS) 12600 10684 10682 Studies on Inputs for Agricultural Economic Policy and Development (SIAEP&D) 9400 7920 Forecasting Agriculture Output Using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land Based Observations (FASAL) 1200 1220 1133
Funds released upto Nov. 2016 BE 2016-17 (Rs. in Lakhs) Name of Scheme BE 2016-17 Funds released upto Nov. 2016 Improvement of Agricultural Statistics (IAS) 10167.00 7816.89 Studies on Inputs for Agricultural Economic Policy and Development (SIAEP&D) 7415.00 3479.93 Forecasting Agriculture Output Using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land Based Observations (FASAL) 984.00 598.59
Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP) Agricultural Prices Commission (APC) was set up in 1965. It was re-named as Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP) in 1985; CACP is presently mandated to advise on the price policy of 23 agricultural commodities and such other commodities as the Government may decide from time to time, with a view to evolving a balanced and integrated price structure in the perspective of the overall needs of the economy and with due regard to the interests of the producer and the consumer. Functionaries in the CACP: Chairman (3 years tenure) One Member (Official) (3 years tenure) Two Members (Non-Official) (3 years tenure) One Member Secretary (5 years tenure) Appointment to all these posts is made with the approval of ACC, on the recommendations of a Selection Committee, headed by Cabinet Secretary. Secretary, DAC&FW is its Member- Secretary.