Capricorn District Municipality Portfolio Committee on Water Affairs and Forestry 222 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Capricorn District Municipality Introduction Legislation state that access to safe drinking water is: - a basic human right - essential to peoples health We understand that as a WSA we have legal obligation to: Monitor the quality of drinking water provided to consumers. Compare the results to National Standards (SANS 241:2006). Regulate the quality of water supplied by WSPs. Communicate any health risks to consumers and appropriate authorities. DWAF currently perform the function due to previous incapacity of the WSA. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Challenges encountered in addressing water quality issues Lack of laboratory facility. High dependence on groundwater (80%) Groundwater pollution. Huge spatial coverage. High dependence on dry sanitation. Lack of implementation of the Groundwater Protocol by previous implementers. High level of illiteracy of operators. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Plans to Address Water Quality issues within CDM Ensuring the newly established Water Quality Management Section is fully established & functional. Development & implementation of Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Programme. Allocation of adequate financial resources. Implementation of Groundwater Protocol. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Relationship between various role-players to deal with water quality Participation of the WSA at the Provincial CollaCom(Collaboration committee where water quality issues are discussed. Participation by DWAF National in the same collaborative committee. Good working relationship with DWAF Regional through the Provincial,District & Local Water Sector Forums. Appointing all LMs as WSP’s 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Capricorn District Municipality Awareness Campaign to alert Communities of risks associated with water pollution Continuous implementation of Health & Hygiene Programmes. Water Quality awareness campaigns through various channels including the World Water Monitoring Day on the 18th of October 2008. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Water Quality Monthly Reports to DWAF Monthly down loading of Water Quality Report & interrogation thereof. Identification of any problems spots and coming up with action plans to address any anomalies. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Funds to Address Water Quality R8m allocated to Water Quality to address issues outlined below: Development of credible water quality Monitoring Programme; Taking over of water quality monitoring function from DWAF; Development of Water Safety & Security Plans for the CDM; Purchasing of equipments to perform water quality spot checks on site. Ensuring that electronic Water Quality Management System is maintained and run smoothly. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Technical & Scientific Skills Operating Water Schemes. Lack of classification & registration of operators. Water quality team appointed. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Capricorn District Municipality Role & assistance offered by national and regional DWAF, DPLG & Water Boards DWAF national office initiated & funded electronic Water Quality Management System (eWQMS). DWAF regional assist the municipality in taking water samples and analysis, and also loading results into the above system. There is need to make results available immediately when released from the laboratory to allow intervention on time rather than getting information from the system 15 days after analysis. DPLG playing the oversight role & granting of fianicla asistance. Lepelle Northen Water currently bulk water provisers including water quality testing thereof. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
Capricorn District Municipality Conclusion Capricorn District Municipality committed to providing safe drinking water. Capricorn District Municipality amenable to assistance that can be provided including financial to achieve this objective. 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality
THANK YOU RE A LEBOGA RE ŠOMA LE SETSHABA 5 February 2007 Capricorn District Municipality