Timeless Words of wisdom
You must Be the change you want to see in the world. Simple but powerful words from Mahatma Gandhi. Don’t wait for others to show you the way. It drives home the lesson – change begins with you.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. Feel like the world is against you? All your efforts are in vain? This classic quote by American anthropologist Margaret Mead keeps you going on days when you just want to give up.
Ubuntu | I am, because we are ‘Ubuntu’ has its origins in South African culture. A loose English translation of the word does not do the concept justice. However, Ubuntu tells us that each of us is lost without the community around us. We are shaped by the people around us, and are one with all of humanity.
A SOCIETY GROWS GREAT WHEN OLD MEN PLANT TREES WHOSE SHADE THEY KNOW THEY WILL NEVER REST IN This anonymous Greek proverb reminds us not to be selfish in our journey for change. We may be disappointed not to see the results of our work. But ultimately, its results will be enjoyed by the generations after us.