City Council FY 2017 Recommended Budget Joint Finance Committee/ Council June 20, 2016
City Council Mission Statement The mission of the Mayor and City Council is to provide leadership to the community through the establishment of policies which enhance the quality of life for Pasadena residents, businesses, non-profit institutions and governmental agencies, and other stakeholders, and maintain a strong and stable fiscal condition.
City Council Expenses FY 2015 Actual FY 2016 Revised Expense History By Category Expenses FY 2015 Actual FY 2016 Revised FY 2017 Recommended Personnel $583,136 $893,181 $1,456,394 Services & Supplies $1,170,354 $879,748 $636,497 Internal Service Charges $338,293 $365,370 $396,822 Operating Transfers – Out $0 $6,854 Total (General Fund): $2,091,783 $2,145,153 $2,489,713 The City Council’s budget is funded 100% by the City’s General Fund. Personnel costs are $893,000 which funds the Mayor/Council/District Liaison salaries, along with two support staff. The increase in personnel budget during FY16 is attributable to adding 8FTEs (District Liaisons), and increased PERS and employee medical rates. Staffing changes include the addition of 8 District Liaisons. Services & Supplies costs decreased in FY16, as costs associated with District Liaisons are now included in Personnel category. Services & Supplies include costs related to the Council’s office allowances, the City’s State and Federal legislative consultants, funding for the City’s annual audit, dues and memberships (SCAG, US Conference of mayors, National League of Cities, etc.), and postage. Internal Service cost increases are attributable to printing costs associated with district mailings.
City Council Significant Changes From FY 2016 Budget FY2017 Budget is $344,560 higher (16%) than FY 2016 Budget Personnel costs increased $563,213 primarily due to the addition of 8.0 FTEs for the District Liaisons conversion to City Employees. Services & Supplies has a net decrease of $243,251 primarily as a result of eliminating the contract services for District Liaisons. Internal Service allocations increased $31,452 for costs associated with structural maintenance, utilities, security services, and printing. Previously discussed in Slide 1.
City Council Key Issues Strategies FY 2017 Key Issues and Strategies Reduce printing/postage costs associated with Council mailings Plan mailings well in advance to receive discounted postal rates Utilize black & white printing vs. color on postal mailings Send targeted neighborhood mailings rather than to entire district In addition to U.S. Postal mail, utilize email, social media, City’s website, electronic newsletters, etc. to announce District events/happenings
FY16 Actuals by District: City Council Printing, Postage and Travel – through May, 2016 FY 16 BUDGET FY 16 ACTUAL FY17 PROPOSED Postage $79,500 $121,502 $105,000 Printing $59,000 $48,252 $65,000 Travel $16,500 $3,442 TOTAL $155,000 $173,196 $186,500 FY16 Actuals by District: Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 6 Dist. 7 Mayor Shared Postage $22,839 $19,770 $38,845 $22,587 $30,925 $14,453 $20,038 $1,639 $2,100