Reasonable adjustments and communication
Communication is the key Pair up Each take a slip of paper One person be the doctor the other patient. The patient has to explain what is written on their slip of paper. The doctor can ask questions The patient is NOT allowed to speak. The patient CAN nod, shake head, gesture, point, use sign language.
How did you get on? Did you manage to tell the person your problem? How did it feel? What could have helped you communicate the problem easier (don't say talking)? Is there anything your partner could have done differently to help you?
Tips for effective consultations with people with LD, Making reasonable adjustments. Consider offering 1st appointment of day (or session) Double consultation time Start by checking how much they can understand and finding out best way to communicate. Look to see if they have a SALT assessment. Speak to patient before speaking to carer Explain the process of the consultation Try open questions, turning round or rephrasing question; use language they understand, or pictures, do not use NHS jargon.
Tips for effective consultations with people with LD Get supporting info from carer Check pt has understood Care when talking about time - refer to events they might understand Don’t assume they can make the usual connections between illness and other events Continuity of care particularly important Be aware of your non verbal communication! Hand – out top ten tips
What might be a block?
Role Play Please welcome Karen and Mathew. Our health check actors.
A Bad Annual Health Check - Mathew I had an appointment at 10am with the Doctor about my headaches?
Mathew The doctor told me I was going to have my annual health check during my appointment? I was confused, I had come about my headache.?
Mathew It took the doctor 10 minutes to do my annual health check, It was rubbish. I did not get time to talk about why I was really there.
Mathew This was a bad Annual Health check.
Mathew I would complain if I was given an Annual Health Check like this. Give us a good health check.
A good Annual Health Check - Karen My role play was a really good example of an annual health check..
Karen The nurse should be able to show me easy read information if I need it. There are lots of things you can do to help people with Learning disabilities understand there health needs better.
Karen Using pictures helps me. (Lynne) The NHS Accessible Information Standard is for all NHS and Social care staff. We should be making our services accessible for all.
Karen At my annual health check, we talked about lots of things, and it lasted 45 minutes. From that I am going to have a smear test with support. As I have not had one since 2011.
Karen Annual health checks need to get better for everyone with a learning disability. Lets get it right!