Pecha Kucha Slide Tips – delete this slide when you’re done creating your slide deck. Image Size: The show will be displayed 4:3 using a projector. This is standard, not widescreen. Minimum image size = 1024 x 768 pixels for full slide coverage. Image Number: The fewer per slide, the better. At most 4 per slide, one per quadrant. Obviously, this is open to artistic license. Rationale… small images can’t be clearly seen from the back of the room; it is difficult to speak to an image in less than 5 seconds. Speakers’ Notes Since the slides are timed at 20 seconds each, a rule of thumb is about 45 spoken words per slide Slide Text: Again, minimal. Think infographic. Very few words (if any) using large sizes and clearly legible fonts. The Bottom Corner Dot The dot in the bottom, left corner is animated. As each slide approaches the 20 second mark, the dot moves to the right, prompting the speaker to move on.
Title Name State Planning Conference March 7-8, 2017 New Orleans City Park
Type your speakers’ notes here Type your speakers’ notes here. Since the slides are timed at 20 seconds each, a rule of thumb is about 45 spoken words per slide.
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