Philosopical Foundation of Education Arranged by 4th Group: Fitriani Sondari (1206613) Tiyas Hani Rosyidah (1202485) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM ON SCIENCE EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS FACULTY INDONESIA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION 2012
Chapter Outline Philosophy and Philosophical Foundation of Education Definition Ideology Philosophy Branch Characteristic
Phylosophycal Foundation of Education Chapter Outline Definition Phylosophycal Foundation of Education Structure Ideology Characteristic
Chapter Outline Pancasila Realism B. Philosophical Foundation of Education (Ideology) C. National Philosophical foundation of Education Idealism Realism Pragmatism Pancasila
Definition of Philosophy Epistomologically : Philein (Love) Philosophy Sophia (Wisdom) Love of Wisdom
Definition of Philosophy (cont.) Phytagoras (572-497 BC): Philosophy is the pursuit of mental excellence Plato (427-347 BC): Philosophy is the knowledge of everything Aristotle (384-322 BC): Philosophy is to investigate everything Harold H. Titus: philosophy is: a. an attitude toward life and universe b. a method of reflective thinking and reasoned inquiry c. a group of problems d. a group of system of thought W.P. Montague: Philosophy is the attempt to give a reasoned conception of the universe J. A. Leighton: A complete philosophy includes a world view, or reasoned conception of the whole cosmos, and life-view, or doctrine of values, meaning, and purpose of human life.
Characteristic of Philosophy There are 6 things that involve the characteristics of philosophy: 1. Object of study : every object including everything that has given by the God or human creation. 2. Process of study : started with feel amazed, not satisfied, passion for asking and doubtness of something happens. 3. Goal of Study : to get the truth 4. Product of study : system of theory, mind concept (normative or prescriptive and individualistic unique) 5. Serving : tematik sistematically, in form of naratif (oral/written essay) and profetik (dialogue/oral or written discussion). 6. Truth Character
Branch of Philosophy Based on object of study, philosophy can be classified by: General Philosophy: a.) Metaphysic b.) Epistemology c.) Logic d.) Axiology Applied Philosophy: a.) Philosophy of Law b.) Philosophy of Science c.) Philosophy of Education
Ideology of Philosophy Idealism Realism Pragmatism
Philosophical Foundation of Education
Definition Set of assumption from philosophy that became the initial point in education
Structure There are implications between the ideas in general philosophy and the ideas in education. General Philosophy Concept : Realism Essence Human Essence Knowledge Essence Value Essence Concept of Education Purpose of Education Curriculum of Education Method of Education Role of Student and Teacher
Characteristic CHARACTERISTIC normative or prescriptive WHY ?
Ideology As the implication between general philosophy and philosophy of education, there are: 1. Idealism 2. Realism 3. Pragmatism Ideology
B. Philosophical Foundation of Education (Ideology)
Realisme Concept Metaphysic : Materials come by itself, human does not involve on that. Human can free or can not free Epistemology : The essence of human lies on what human do Axiology : Attitude of human is ruled by nature’s law and at the lower level is ruled by policy B. Implication to Education Purpose of education : to adapt with life and to do the social responsibility Curriculum : Organized based on subject matter and subject centered Method : logic and psychology Role of student and teacher : Classroom is teacher centered. Students have to discipline and mastering the subject
Idealism Concept Metaphysic :The essence of reality is spirit. Human is spiritual creature. Epistemology :Knowledge could be reached thinking through intuition. Axiology :Human is commanded by imperative value that comes from absolute reality. B. Implication to Education Purpose of education :Character and talent developing. Curriculum :Organized based on subject matter and subject centered. Method :Problem solving, investigation, invention Role of student and teacher : Teacher must be outstanding, students are free the develop their talent
Pragmatism Concept Metaphysic : Anti-metaphysic. Human is evolution creature Epistemology : The truth can be found scientific method Axiology : Individual and social attitude are measured by experimental experience B. Implication to Education Purpose of education : Reach the beneficial experience to solve the problems. Curriculum : Democracy Method : Problem solving, investigation, invention Role of student and teacher : Teacher has to lead student to learn.
Foundation of National Philosophy of Education : PANCASILA Concept Metaphysic : reality (physical or non-physical) or universe not come by itself, but as a creation of the God Epistemology : the essence of all science is sourced from the first source, i.e God Axiology : value essence. The first sources of everysource is God B. Implication to Education Purpose of education : to develope the potential of students in order to be a faithful human, has a good behaviour, healthy, scholarly, creative, democratic and responsible. Curriculum : arranged based on the level of education Method : education method Role of student and teacher : -Ing ngarso sung tulodo : educator should be an example -Ing madya mangun karso : educator should develope the intention of the student -Tut wuri handayani : freedom and change of student to be autonomous
References Subkoordinator MKDP landasan Pendidikan. 2012. Landasan Pendidikan. Bandung: Indonesia University of Education Press Philosophy of Science Lecturer 2012