Arts Education Master Plan NVUSD Board of Education October 5, 2017
A five year, public/private partnership to strengthen and expand arts programming in Napa’s public schools American Canyon High Marching Band, Arts Now Napa Summit 2016 - Photo by Robb McDonough for instrumental music, choral music, visual arts, theatre, dance and media arts Opportunity, access & equity for all students TK-12 Expanded, sequential and standards-based curriculum Supported by relevant professional development Monitored by shared assessments and evaluation
Year 1 Infrastructure Accomplishments Arts Teacher Database (now 75 strong) Built Leadership Teams and wrote Mission & Vision Developed e-mail Groups Communication Plan, including social media presence Focus: COMMUNICATION infrastructure Arts Now Summit Comm Plan includes social media: a district website and Twitter account +Governance mtgs (4/yr) and Board reports (2/yr)
Year 1 Accomplishments, cont’d Added and expanded Arts Page to District Website Findings & Recommendations Governance Team Involvement & Support Programming impact Governance team is embodiment of partnership: includes rep’s from district, Arts Council, main funder (Festival NV) Impact: MS Music, Arts PD, VAPA Coord
Year 2 Focus Community representation on Arts Cadre Develop cohesive professional development program for VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) Teachers Develop models for TK-3 Arts “Exposure” programming Again, structure embodies partnership nature of entire project PD to strengthen identity as NVUSD VAPA T’s, but also recognize unique needs of various VAPA disciplines and even individual T needs Present options to Instructional Division in Dec!
Festival Napa Valley Contributions Supported Artful Learning transition from magnet grant Wish List grants; County-wide Arts Assessment Underwrote NVUSD Arts Master Planning process $145,000 current year ⇒ Expansion of Middle School Music, Professional Development for Arts teaches, Arts Coordinator Over $520,000 in total contributions 6 year history of involvement w NVUSD Arts Unlike the traditional model of support in which funder raises money, then creates own program to distribute it, Festival NV has - from the beginning - partnered w NVUSD to understand and support our goals and priorities. This is evident in the allocation of this year’s $145,000 contribution which supports the priorities of the Arts Master Plan which were determined by our Arts Leadership Team and adopted by our Governance team. When one understands the history of their involvement, it becomes difficult to imagine an AEMP without the involvement of a financial partner such as Festival NV. This is why I am highlighting them in tonight’s presentation.