Programmatic Review and Enhancement In light of many of these difficulties, CEEDAR was developed as a response. H325A120003
Panelists Rodrick Lucero, AACTE, Vice President for member engagement and support Rebecca Watts, Ohio Department of Education, Associate Vice Chancellor of P-16 Initiatives, Joyce Many, Georgia State University, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Educator Preparation
National, State, and University Perspective
National Perspective How can national efforts guide program review to support teacher and leader development?
Programmatic Review and Enhancement The National Lens
Programmatic Review Leveraging our collective expertise One field--one vision By the field for the field
High Quality Programmatic Review Models exemplary pedagogical practice Based on iterative cycles Sets the stage for Systemic Reflection Continuous Improvement (feedback loops) Space for conversation (meaning-making) Focus on improvement NOT compliance
Why Engage in Programmatic Review It’s a professional obligation to reflect on our practice A way to coalesce, massage, and grow our national narrative A way to insure our commitment to high quality (PK-Gray) defines the process as “the work”, rather than the outcome
Simply Stated The national framework for programmatic review requires a look at the commonalities seen as indicators of high quality, profession-wide. These, as identified by the profession for the profession, become the unifying standards upon which a national program review system is built. The ongoing process of systemic reflection based on a philosophy of continuous improvement is the cornerstone upon which we make claims of quality. It is within this praxis we see the role of accreditation and program review. It is founded on our collective narrative, enacted by our collective belief in ongoing improvement, and emboldened by every learner we serve.
State Perspective How can a state department assist or build capacity for programmatic review leading to continuous improvement? BE IN THE KNOW!
Programmatic Review and Enhancement The Role of State Agencies
Specialized Professional Association Standards Federal Requirements CAEP Standards Specialized Professional Association Standards State Requirements Context Context
Federal Requirements Federal requirements Licensure Pass Rates Employment Outcomes Teacher and Employer Feedback Student Learning Outcomes SPA Recognition Admission Selectivity Federal Requirements Federal requirements
CAEP Standards CAEP Standards Content and Pedagogical Knowledge Clinical Partnerships and Practice Candidate Quality, Recruitment, Selectivity Program Impact Quality Assurance, Continuous Improvement Diversity, Technology/Digital Learning CAEP Standards CAEP Standards
Content and Methods Alignment Data Use to Improve Program Faculty Expertise Content and Methods Alignment Field and Clinical Assessments Data Use to Improve Program SPA Standards SPA Standards
State Requirements State requirements Align to State Learning Standards Course-Specific Requirements Articulation and Transfer Field and Clinical Dyslexia Prep Candidate and Employer Perceptions State Requirements State requirements
The Innovation and Enhancement Challenge Federal Requirements CAEP Standards Specialized Professional Association Standards State Requirements Innovation challenge
Programmatic Review and Enhancement Part 2 The Role of State Agencies
University Perspective How do EPPs motivate and engage faculty in programmatic review leading to continuous improvement? BE IN THE KNOW!
Motivating and Engaging Faculty for Programmatic Review Leading To Continuous Improvement Joyce Many Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Development Georgia State University
Engaging Faculty in Program Reform With CEEDAR Support: Georgia State University’s Approach Establishing our Focus Our Day-Long Professional Education Faculty Retreat Follow Up Syllabi Analysis Continuing the Conversation
Establishing Our Focus
Faculty retreat
Follow up work
Different events
Motivating and Engaging Faculty Acknowledge and Value Expertise How Have you helped programs learn from others in your own backyard?
Motivating and Engaging Faculty Part 2 Provide for Program Level Autonomy and Decision Making How does this relate to your Experience?
Motivating and Engaging Faculty Part 3 Adopt an Organic Approach to Program Reform
Diagram Grass Roots Experiential Learning and Input Institutional, State, and National Context Diagram Professional Development Policies and Procedures Supportive Networks Resourc es Facul ty Stude nts Coopera ting Teachers Supervi sors Grass Roots Experiential Learning and Input Program and Course Design Signature Assignments Assessments Program Level Faculty Professional Development Teacher Preparation Program Reform
Motivating and Engaging Faculty Part 4 Adopt an Organic Approach to Program Reform What relationship do you see between resources, networks, professional development, and policies and the grass roots input and experiences of stakeholders at your institution?