Bell Ringer Find your seat Fill out the student profile sheet
Intro to Mech Mr. Blitman
Who is this guy? Mr. Blitman
University of Idaho North Idaho District events SLC CFFA Ag avenger Rugby Cycling
About me High school Outside Minions Coffee Bikes Juijitsu
Share with us the following things Name Home school How you made money this summer Favorite hobby Favorite ice-cream flavor
Philosophy of Education FFA , SAE, Classroom integration Using activities to facilitate learning Giving student ownership Mutual respect
Classroom Expectations 1.) Respect yourself and others 2.) Never endanger yourself or others 3.) Do your best 4.) Respect classroom and equipment Think before you act
Starting class Check your File Find your seat Make sure you have a pencil Bell ringer
File Everyone will have a file The files stay in the cabinet
Assignments Turn in basket Returned in the files
Leaving the room Raise your hand or wait till a stopping point Ill indicate it’s ok to leave Grab a pass Turn it back in when you get back
Cell phones Don’t use them when I’m Teaching If they are being used improperly they will chill on my desk till the end of the period Headphones only when working alone
End of the day The bell doesn’t dismiss you I do Make sure classroom/shop is clean Turn put away or take any papers you want from the file 4th Period put up chairs
Late Quietly enter classroom Sign tardy sheet Wait for an appropriate time to get caught up with a neighbor
Absent Schedule a time to meet with me to get caught up on what you missed
Late work Late work penalty will be assigned on a case by case basis and after a conference with students and teacher.
Why? I will assign each table an expectation or procedure your job is to come up with 3 reasons why I have that expectation or procedure in place.
What are we doing this year? Safety Wood working Electricity Pipe Fitting Copper PVC
When will we get into the shop? When we have gotten through all of the classroom material
Student Profile Sheet Please fill out the student information sheet On the back there are some questions about what we have covered today, work with your elbow partner to complete the assignment. Do not sign the bottom line yet.
Website How to find it? What’s on it? How often should I check it?
Make Files