America First Energy Conference Houston, Texas November 9, 2017 Admiral Thomas B. Hayward (Ret.) Former Chief of U.S. Naval Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff Combat Readiness First, Climate Change … Eventually America First Energy Conference Houston, Texas November 9, 2017
The National Climate Assessment finds that temperatures in the United States have risen dramatically since 1980, with the recent decades being the warmest of the past 1,500 years.
“Climate change can act as a threat multiplier for instability in some of the most volatile regions of the world, and it presents significant national security challenges for the United States.” (emphasis added) Source: CNA, 2014
Climate Change Security Planning is Futile and Wasteful “In summary, efforts to link climate change to the deterioration of U.S. national security rely on improbable scenarios, imprecise and speculative methods, and scant empirical support. Accepting the connection can lead to the dangerous expansion of U.S. security concerns, inappropriately applied resources, and diversion of attention from more”…demanding security requirements.”
Thank you Admiral Thomas B. Hayward (Ret.) Retired in 1982 from the United States Navy as Chief of Naval Operations and member of President Ronald Reagan’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. Combat pilot (carrier aviator) Korea and Vietnam; Distinguished Flying Cross and 13 Air Medals. Navy test pilot in 1950s. Commanding officer, aircraft carrier USS America (Vietnam War). Former Commander of the United States Seventh Fleet and Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet. Co-author: Climate Change, Energy Policy, and National Power (Heartland Institute, 2014)