Ofwat Customer Experience Survey Q2 2016/17 Weighted and unweighted scores Final results 10/10/16
Quarter 2 weighted scores Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Overall 4.34 4.50 4.17 4.25 Affinity 4.23 13 14 4.12 10 Anglian 4.39 8 4.51 4.37 6 4.15 Bournemouth 4.52 5 11 4.54 2 Bristol 4.46 4.64 4 4.28 7 Dee Valley 4.36 4.68 4.02 Northumbrian 4.53 4.55 4.22 4.78 1 Portsmouth 4.58 4.72 4.45 Severn Trent 4.31 12 4.62 3.96 4.06 9 South East 4.21 4.47 3.94 15 South Staffs 4.32 4.16 South West 4.11 16 3.92 3.83 Southern 4.04 18 3.73 Sutton & East Surrey 17 4.26 3.87 Thames 3.97 United Utilities 4.42 3 Welsh 4.60 4.61 Wessex 4.63 4.49 Yorkshire 4.38
Quarter 2 weighted WaSC and WOC scores WaSCS Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Anglian 4.39 5 4.51 7 4.37 4 4.15 6 Northumbrian 4.53 3 4.55 4.22 4.78 1 Severn Trent 4.31 4.62 3.96 4.06 9 South West 4.11 4.34 8 3.92 3.83 10 Southern 4.04 3.73 4.12 Thames 4.23 3.97 4.16 United Utilities 4.42 4.68 Welsh 4.54 2 4.60 4.61 Wessex 4.58 4.63 4.49 Yorkshire 4.38 WOCS Affinity Bournemouth 4.52 4.50 Bristol 4.46 4.64 4.28 Dee Valley 4.36 4.02 Portsmouth 4.72 4.45 South East 4.21 4.47 3.94 South Staffs 4.32 Sutton & East Surrey 4.26 3.87
Quarter 2 unweighted scores Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Overall 4.33 4.51 4.17 4.25 Affinity 4.23 12 4.34 14 4.12 10 Anglian 4.35 8 4.37 6 4.15 Bournemouth 4.52 3 4.50 11 4.54 2 Bristol 4.64 4 4.28 7 Dee Valley 4.38 4.68 4.02 Northumbrian 4.55 4.22 4.78 1 Portsmouth 4.59 4.72 4.45 Severn Trent 4.21 4.62 3.96 13 4.06 9 South East 4.47 3.94 15 South Staffs 4.32 4.16 South West 4.04 17 3.92 16 3.83 Southern 4.00 18 3.73 Sutton & East Surrey 4.08 4.26 3.87 Thames 3.97 5 United Utilities 4.39 Welsh 4.60 4.61 Wessex 4.58 4.63 4.49 Yorkshire 4.53
Quarter 2 unweighted WaSC and WOC scores WaSCS Overall score Rank Billing score Clean water score Waste water score Anglian 4.35 4 4.51 7 4.37 4.15 6 Northumbrian 4.52 2 4.55 5 4.22 4.78 1 Severn Trent 4.21 4.62 3 3.96 4.06 9 South West 4.04 4.34 8 3.92 3.83 10 Southern 4.00 3.73 4.12 Thames 4.23 3.97 4.16 United Utilities 4.33 4.68 4.39 Welsh 4.60 4.61 Wessex 4.58 4.63 4.49 Yorkshire 4.53 4.38 WOCS Affinity Bournemouth 4.50 4.54 Bristol 4.64 4.28 Dee Valley 4.02 Portsmouth 4.59 4.72 4.45 South East 4.47 3.94 South Staffs 4.32 Sutton & East Surrey 4.08 4.26 3.87