COLLEGE COUNSELING LOOKING FORWARD Grades 9, 10, 11 Parents November 14, 2017
Goals of College Counseling Help students assess educational and extra- curricular goals and abilities. Help students find the best “match” for their goals, interests, and values. Introduce useful resources to families. Advise students on the college application process.
Current State of Admissions The cost of college: impact on admissions, financial aid, college experience Enrollment strategies: January start, deferred enrollment, General Studies, study abroad, etc. High volume of ED/EA applications Gap year Coalition Application
Current State of Admissions Increase in students taking ACT De-emphasis on SAT subject tests August SAT added (January no longer offered) July ACT added Test optional schools continue to grow
What can you do now? Grades do matter!! Challenging but not overwhelming courses Get to know your teachers Find/sustain a passion Athletic/Arts preparation Read! Read! Read! Use summers productively Visit some colleges
Campus Visits The more a student can see, the better. Start locally (Boston, New England). Visit a range of colleges (size, location, academics). Initially, don’t worry much about selectivity. For younger students, keep it low-key. Consult College Counseling Handbook for more information about visiting colleges.
CWRA (9th) College and Work Readiness Assessment To assess the efficiency of the school program, not the strength of a student Performance task based Measures problem solving skills, writing effectiveness and mechanics, critical thinking, analysis, scientific and quantitative reasoning, etc.
PSAT (10th and 11th) Evidence based reading and writing; math For practice (SAT) For diagnosis of strengths & weaknesses Scholarship qualification Scores available electronically 12/11-12/13
College Planning Resources Accessible to all PSAT-takers. Interactive score report with answer explanations Personalized SAT preparation through College and Career-Planning Tools
For Freshmen Focus on Schoolwork Develop strong study skills and habits Find the appropriate level of courses Experiment with activities Read! College counseling class in September
For Sophomores Workshops conducted in the early Spring by College Counselors cover the following: Naviance Family Connection accounts & their function Preview of college application process (or “what colleges are seeking in the application process”) Exploration of career opportunities Standardized testing: Consider taking SAT Subject test in Math 1 - if finished geometry ACT Practice test (optional): December 3 at Thayer
Naviance Welcome Screen
Road Trip Nation
Occupational Outlook Handbook
For Juniors College counseling meeting for parents: Jan. 4, 6 p.m. Meetings with students start in January Small groups & Individual conferences Naviance Family Connection accounts Summit Educational Group – ACT & SAT prep options offered on campus (mailing to arrive in late November) Revolution Prep – ACT & SAT prep options online ACT Practice test (optional) – December 3rd at Thayer College fair – Milton Academy, April 22nd, 12:30 p.m.
Testing Options and Timeline For Juniors: SAT: March, May, June ACT: February, April, June, July SAT Subject Tests: May, June (math I or 2, U.S. history, sciences, foreign language, English literature)
Resources for Parents & Students Thayer Academy College Counseling Handbook Website ( Twitter: TACollegeCounseling@PulsiferCCC Email broadcasts and Tiger News Network College Websites Guidebooks College visitors in College Counseling Office (not to conflict with classes) Visit college campuses Contact the college counselors!