Osbourn Park High School Counseling Department Touch Base October 9, 2017
School Counseling Staff Ms. Pamela Gardner Director of School Counseling Mrs. Maureen Andrada Counselor (A-CA) Ms. Suzanne Salvo Counselor (CB-GI) Mrs. Shronda Peake Counselor (GJ-LEE) Mrs. Keisha Mercer Counselor (LEF-OR) Ms. Taylor Oakley Counselor (OS-SEA) Ms. Erin Fondren Counselor (SEB-Z) Mrs. Melissa Bach Counselor (Pre-Gov/Gov. School) Mrs. Toni Gibson Registrar Mrs. Alicia Halter Secretary Mrs. Margaret Stielper Secretary Mrs. Tammy Hayter Testing Coordinator
Types of College Application Deadlines: Early Action- Usually Nov. 1 or 15th Deadline- Non-binding. Admission based on end of year grades from junior year and SAT/ACT received by deadline. Early Decision- Nov. 1st or 15th as well- Binding Regular Decision- Ranges depends on the school. Decision usually includes semester grades from Senior Year. Priority Deadline- Varies by school…Nov-Dec timeframe to be considered for scholarships *Colleges will receive mid year and final transcripts and reserve the right to rescind acceptance based on Senior Year performance Student must indicate in Family Connection/Naviance the type of admission-Early Decision, Regular Decision Melissa
College Application Procedure It is the student’s responsibility to check the admission requirements for each college. Senior grades are important! Class Rank and GPA are computed during the first part of Semester 1, at the end of the first semester and at the end of the year. At the end of the first semester, the new GPA and Class Ranking are sent to all of the colleges to which the student has previously requested. Now is the time to research the application process for each college which may differ depending on the college. Examples include: Common Application Coalition Application School’s Individual Application Apply to at least 3-6 colleges. It the student’s responsibility to submit the application directly to the college or university. Please allow at least two weeks for counselor and teacher recommendations to be processed. Do not wait until the day before or the day of to request a recommendation. Maureen
College Application Procedures (cont.) In order for students to have their transcripts sent to colleges of their choice, an authorization for Release of Educational Record form must be completed. This form also includes authorization for scholarships and NCAA clearinghouse. These forms may be obtained in the school counseling office. Students request transcripts through Naviance by identifying the schools to which the forms will be sent. The counselor will complete any reference forms required and upload along with the transcript. Encourage your student to complete an activity resume and/or College Planning Questionnaire Osbourn Park sends out three free transcripts. Each additional transcript will cost $5.00. Any unpaid balance is due by June 1. Maureen
Naviance/Family Connection School Counseling Website