the basics of the college application and admission process
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid ) Get to Know the Lingo Admission Counselor Financial Aid Counselor Priority Application Date FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid ) NPC – Net Price Calculator Prior Prior Year (PPY) New Student Orientation Academic/Faculty Advisor Enrollment Deposit
Determine the Right POA (Plan of Action) Restrictive Non-Restrictive Early Decision: BINDING Contract Early Action Single Choice Non-Binding, HOWEVER you can only apply to one school using this notification plan Early Action Non Restrictive NON BINDING Regular Decision Later Notification Rolling Continuous Review/Notification Ok – so the first thing you need to do is select the appropriate notification plan (a.k.a. what type of application you’re going to file) Early Decision – this is MARRIAGE, kids. I DO NOW AND ALWAYS AND FOREVER, there’s no going back. And if there is, due to finances, then expect a pretty significant fall out as you’re VOIDING A CONTRACT. It will be MESSY!!!!!!! Early Action Single Choice – we’re dating; lavalied, pinned, going together and NOT seeing other people. Yes, we may break up, but for now, I only have eyes for you. Early Action Non Restrictive – basically, we’re going out and you’re my first choice on a Friday night; however, if someone else comes along on a Saturday night, I can go out with them too, and you CAN’T GET MAD. Regular Decision – think of this as the last minute date; I’ve looked at all my options and FINALLY decided on you; I like you, but I know you’re been and will continue to see other people, including someone from the Early Action non binding crowd Rolling – let’s see ANYONE AND EVERYONE; you’re a great back up and you might actually be my first choice, but we’re not committed to each other and can see ANYONE WE WANT TO.
Components of the Application: Common/Institutional/Universal/Coalition Application Personal Statement/Essay/Graded Composition* Transcripts/Secondary School Report Test Scores* Resume; Letters of Recommendation Additional materials if needed (additional application, audition) Determine which type of application is accepted by the institution you’re choosing; the common app is long, but it’s used by over 650 schools – a mix of public, private, highly and non selective; The coalition application is NEW; it’s a common app on steroids, and guarantees to meet 100% of demonstrated need;
The Evaluation Pt. 1 = ACADEMICS Minimum Course Requirements Strength of High School/Curriculum Grades in CORE Academic Courses/Related to Major Grade Point Average Grade Trends Test Scores (ACT or SAT)
Pt. 2 = Enhancement Factors Letters of Recommendation Co-Curricular Activities a.k.a. RESUME Alumni Affiliation Portfolio Major
Understand the Outcome Admit Defer Waitlist Deny