Contextual Studies 1 Introduction
Piet Mondrian, Composition, 1921
Gerrit Reitveld, Red and Blue Chair, 1923
Rietveld-Schroeder house, 1924
Mondrian-inspired Nike trainers
The White Stripes, album cover
Cutler & Gross ‘Mondrian’ sunglasses, 2013
Yves St Laurent, Winter collection, 1965
Mondrian inspired cake!
Roger Hiorns, Seizure, 2011
Seizure, 2011 (detail)
Masaccio, Trinity fresco, 1427
Pollock, One (no.31), 1950, (c.9' x 18')
Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931 (10" x 13")
Pollock, One (no.31), 1950, Installation view
Pollock, One (no.31), 1950;/Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931 relative size
Mondrian, Composition, 1921
Mondrian, detail of painting, 1921
Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam, 1508-12
Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel
Cornelia Parker, Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View, 1991
Ron Mueck, Boy (Untitled), 1999
Andy Warhol, Campbell’s Soup Cans, 1962
Course structure Semester A 13 lectures - excluding Reading Week (27/10) and Christmas break( 22 &29/12) 12 before Christmas and 1 after (12/01) Main tutor – Chris Young Guest lectures – Richard Peregrine & Jenna Gardner 11 seminars – 8 with specialist tutors (Starting 29/09) Graphic Communication – Emma Hildreth Photographic Media – Richard Peregrine Textiles Pathways – Jo Neil Fine Art - Chris Young 3 Writing Support (Tutor –Liesl Burkhardt) (1,8,15/12)
Course structure Semester B 8 lectures – excluding Private Study & Assessment week (19/01) and Reading Week(16/02) Last lecture 23/03 up to Easter break 8 Essay Writing Workshops – Monday 12 -2 (starting 26/01) Tutor: Liesl Burkhardt Tutorial – one to one meetings with main tutor to discuss essay Starting 02/02, by appointment
Course work Assignment 1: Set by seminar tutor (600 words) Submission date: 06/01/2015 Assessment: Formative Assignment 2: Essay (2500 words) Submission date: 27/03/2015 Assessment: Summative