Gavin Dudeney, Yulia Novikova Podcasting in ELT Pod-what?… Gavin Dudeney, Yulia Novikova
Podcasting – The Basics I What do you know? 1 What is a podcast? 2 Where can you find podcasts? 3 Are they free? 4 How can you create a podcast?
What is podcasting? Podcasting (a portmanteau of the words iPod and broadcasting) is the name given to the publishing of audio (usually mp3 files) via the Internet, designed to be downloaded and listened to on a portable mp3 player of any type, or on a personal computer. 3
Podcasting – a new way to reach students learners listen to podcasts learners make podcasts
Graham Stanley, British Council, Barcelona Types of podcasts authentic podcasts teacher podcasts student podcasts educator podcasts Graham Stanley, British Council, Barcelona 5
Using podcasts in class or for homework Most podcasts use a weblog as their homepage. When you visit the blog you should see links to audio files. Podcasts can then be downloaded and transferred to a portable mp3 player, recorded to CD-ROM for use in class, or students can be directed to them for self-study purposes on the computer. Many of the ELT podcasts come with transcripts to help understanding. Graham Stanley, British Council, Barcelona 6
ELT Podcasting (Graham Stanley) ELT Podcast – The Teacher’s Lounge Podcasting Resources Free ELT podcasts Flo-Joe ELT Podcasting (Graham Stanley) ESL Podcasts ELT Podcast – The Teacher’s Lounge
Producing your own podcast Producing a radio show has long been a popular project choice, especially with young learners. One advantage of recording a show and uploading it to the Web is that your students will probably take more care with the preparation, knowing that it could be potentially listened to by people all over the world. Finally, the students can invite their family and friends to listen to it. The fact that they have a real audience for their show should act as a great motivator. Graham Stanley, British Council, Barcelona 8
Podcasting with Learners Free podcasting software: Audacity (download) Also: PodOmatic: PodBean: WildVoice: 9
Podcasting with Learners ARTICLES Developing Students’ Listening and Speaking Skils Through ELT Podcasts (06_EJ_ELTPodcasts) Podcasting in Education 10