How to Add Pinyin Text to a Record with CJK Version 18 RC 1807 Version 19 RC 409 Yoel Kortick.


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Presentation transcript:

How to Add Pinyin Text to a Record with CJK Version 18 RC 1807 Version 19 RC 409 Yoel Kortick

How to use fix_doc_add_pinyin_insert_sub9 The presentation will demonstrate the configuration required for using fix_doc_add_pinyin. This will be done by using actual examples. First we will look at the rep change.  

Rep change 409 Description: The fix_doc routine "fix_doc_add_pinyin_insert_sub9" creates only a partial Pinyin in subfield $9 out of Chinese text. An example is the following: Partial Pinyin - before the fix: fa ji jian jiao This is built out of 4 Chinese words: 1. fa lv 3. jian ming 2. ji chu 4. jiao cheng Correct, full Pinyin - after the fix: fa lv ji chu jian ming jiao cheng Solution: This has been corrected. Now, the fix_doc routine creates the full Chinese word in sub-field '9'.

The record We have record 51294 with 245 $$a 讓的測試,這和看它是否工程

The record We want to add a subfield with the corresponding pinyin text and to be able to search for it. We will use a Fix and/or Expand procedures

Change field 008 positions 35-37 to ‘chi’ Make sure 008 field has chi in pos 35 to 37.

In tab_pinyin The relevant field should be added: ! COL 1. 5; ALPHA_NUM, UPPER; #; ! Field tag; ! Document record field code. # can be used for the third to ! fifth positions to indicate truncation of numeric additions to ! the field code (e.g., 245## for 2451, 2452, 24501); ! COL 2. 24; ALPHA_NUM; ; ! Not used; ! Subfield code; ! For _sub9 only subfield $$a is relevant, and it does ! not have to be entered.; !1 2 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 245##

In tab_fix Add the following line: ! COL 1. 5; ALPHA_NUM, UPPER; -; ! Routine name; ! COL 2. 30; ALPHA_NUM, LOWER; _; ! Program name; ! COL 3. 100; ALPHA_NUM; _; ! Program arguments; ! ! 1 2 3 !!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> FXC fix_doc_add_pinyin_insert_sub9

In data_root/pc_tab/catalog/fix_doc.lng: Add the following line: ! 1 2 3 4 !!!!!-!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> FXC N L Use fix_doc_add_pinyin_insert_sub9 Don’t forget to do util M 7 or service "update tables package” (sys-03).

See changes Edit Actions Fix Record

See changes Subfield 9 with the correct pinyin was added:

The pinyin text is indexed

In tab_expand Add the following line: ! COL 1. 10; ALPHA_NUM, UPPER; -; ! Expand Menu; ! COL 2. 30; ALPHA_NUM, LOWER; _; ! Expand procedure; ! COL 3. 100; ALPHA_NUM; ; ! Program arguments; ! 1 2 3 !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> WEB-FULL-1 fix_doc_add_pinyin_insert_sub9 WEB-FULL-1 defines full display on WEB OPAC

See Changes

See changes

Check changes doc_no_expand no changes: Alpha=L, no subfield 9 Go to util-f-4 doc_no_expand WEB-FULL1 51294 FMT L BK LDR L 00000nam^a22^^^^^^u^4500 001 L 000051294 005 L 20080901162932.0 008 L 080901s2004^^^^cau^^^^^r^^^^^000^0^chi^d 1001 L $$aAleph Beit 24510 L $$aè®ç 測試ï¼éåçå®æ¯åå·¥ç 260 L $$a2008. OWN L $$aGLOBAL doc_no_expand no changes: Alpha=L, no subfield 9

See changes doc_expand WEB-FULL1 Alph=C, subfield 9 was added Go to util-f-4 doc_expand WEB-FULL1 51294 FMT L BK LDR L 00000nam^a22^^^^^^u^4500 001 L 000051294 005 L 20080901162932.0 008 L 080901s2004^^^^cau^^^^^r^^^^^000^0^chi^d 1001 L $$aAleph Beit 24510 C $$aè®ç 測試ï¼éåçå®æ¯åå·¥ç¨.$$9rang de ce shi ï¼ zhe he kan ta shi fou gong cheng . 260 L $$a2008. OWN L $$aGLOBAL doc_expand WEB-FULL1 Alph=C, subfield 9 was added